Friday update, sorry a bit late Tuesday 9 October 2018
Hello everyone and welcome to our Friday update or should I say ‘Tuesday Update’! My apologies for the delay, it’s been a busy few weeks at BCNA. As you all know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month which means there is lots going on at BCNA. There will be lots of activities taking place this month which will include…
Reclaim Your Curves Breast Reconstruction - Sydney Support Lunch - Sunday 28th Oct 12 noon to 3pm
Come along and join us for lunch and meet others ladies who may be experiencing a similar situation to you. Ask those pressing questions, get tips or pass on your knowledge. Please let us know if you can make it. All welcome! Dragonfly Cafe, Eden Gardens, Macquarie Park, Sydney
CanTeen Family Resilience Survey
Family Resilience Survey Do you have children? Were you diagnosed with cancer recently (within 9 months)? CanTeen help young people cope with cancer in their family. By completing three surveys during your cancer journey, you can help CanTeen to understand how they can better support families like yours. For more…
Research study - Share your views about how cancer treatment and care can be improved
If you've been diagnosed with breast or any other cancer and want to have a say about how cancer care can be improved, you are invited to share your views about how cancer treatment can be improved via an online survey being conducted by All.Can. All.Can is an international initiative which has been set up to identify…
BCNA to Run Male Breast Cancer Day again
Good news. BCNA is holding Male Breast Cancer Day again on 20 October this year. This infographic is from the US.
Media request - Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Hello everyone, We have had a media request asking if we have any members who would be interested in being interviewed for a University Assignment for Breast Cancer Awareness month. The students are working on a group current affairs/news piece to highlight the importance of Breast Cancer awareness and early detection.…
Daffodil Cottage & Bathurst Bosom Buddies with Reclaim your Curves 18th October 7pm BATHURST
Plan C Conference 11 August 2018 Summary
Hello everyone, Its been a long time coming and I do sincerely apologise for the delay in posting this summary. Please find attached the summary from the Plan C Conference held on Saturday 11 August 2018 at the Glasshouse in Melbourne. If you have any questions or concerns, please dont hesitate to call our helpline on 1800…
You are invited to come & try Dragon Boating in Melbourne!!!
Unite to fight cancer for Peter mac
Hi everyone. Its now 2 years since my diagnosis and i am very lucky and proud to say i am cancer free! I am participating in this event to raise funds for peter mac where i had some of my treatment. Please consider sponsoring me through the link below…
Inaugural BCNA Race Night at Moonee Valley (Melbourne)
To all you Melbourne racing enthusiasts, You are invited to attend the very first Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) Race Night. Mooney Valley Race Course will be pretty in pink for the inaugural event and is offering free entry to BCNA members and their guests simply by registering online. Everyone will receive a…
Consumer Advocate Training 11 October 2018
Hi, I know there are a few of you up this way. This is a free event in a venue that usually does excellent food (just in case you need to be incentivized) https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/hume-regional-rural-consumer-advocacy-workshop-tickets-50387991840?utm_term=eventurl_text
my friend and I went to Wig Affair yesterday in Piccadilly Arcade in Pitt Street Sydney. It was a long Drive from Mittagong but well worth it. The ladies were both very helpful and friendly. My friend bought a synthetic wig she’s really happy with. Thanks for your friendliness and knowledge ladies. We would recommend this…
Waiting sucks - so decided to fundraise
The last two years I’ve ridden in the Great Cycle Challenge during the month of October. This year, while I recover from a lumpectomy and wait for my post surgery treatment (see the oncologist tomorrow- know I’m having radiotherapy but no idea what else) I decided to walk/ride to raise money for BC research. I could choose…
Reclaim Your Curves - Reconstruction Perth Support Group Lunch
Hi ladies - our next Perth lunch will be held Saturday 20th October 12:30 at The Herdy, 33 Herdsman Parade Wembley. We buy our own food/drink and share our reconstruction experiences. If you are just starting to research reconstruction this is a great way to speak with other ladies who have done it & get lots of helpful…