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Unite to fight cancer for Peter mac

KatyJoy's avatar
7 years ago
Hi everyone. Its now 2 years since my diagnosis and i am very lucky and proud to say i am cancer free! I am participating in this event to raise funds for peter mac where i had some of my treatment. Please consider sponsoring me through the link  below   
Published 7 years ago
Version 1.0
  • We have done 3 x 60 km walks, 2 x 25 km walks previously for Peter Mac ... I do it with my hubby and usually my older daughter (but she's in South America at the moment) - my other daughter and son-in-law joined us last year too (but they're also in South America). We love doing these walks. I'm sure you'll do fine - it's a really supportive event.
    Our team is called "Simply the Breast" because originally the 60 km walks were specifically for Women's Cancers.
     If you're interested in a follow up one. Cancer Council are doing a 21 km evening walk in December called Walking Stars
  • That’s great @sheilad! I’m just coming out of the whole haze of treatment, so this is actually the first thing like this I’ve done, I hope I make it the whole 21 km! Good on you, are you in a team or by yourself? I’m not in a team but my husband will be with me
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