BCNA to Run Male Breast Cancer Day again

traveltext Member Posts: 253
edited October 2018 in Community news and events
Good news. BCNA is holding Male Breast Cancer Day again on 20 October this year.

This infographic is from the US.



  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Excellent. Let me know if there's anything I can do to assist. K xox
  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    Fabulous lets assist to get the word out
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 79
    edited October 2018
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  • traveltext
    traveltext Member Posts: 253
    Oh Joannie, that's such a nice offer. 

    Unfortunately, there's no charity in Australia dealing just with male bc, so no t-shirts or pins to wear.

    As to booklets, BCNA has one on male breast cancer and they can be ordered here:

    Donations could be made to any of the pink charities with the request that they be used for research on male bc, but I doubt that any would agree to this because they fund virtually no research on this topic.

    Anyway, thanks again for your offer, and good luck with your event. Cheers, Rod

  • Mira
    Mira Member Posts: 678
    Awesome!  I hope it does well :smile:
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,014
    Great write up, @traveltext.  How totally unfair tho, that your daughter can access high risk screening, but not your son.  That is a terrible injustice.  :( 

    I hope this is rectified quickly.   How many other cancers have 'gender inequality'?

    When I read of cancer treatment/protocols - it is usually for lung cancer, or stomach cancer - not 'female lung cancer' vs 'male lung cancer'?

    Granted, way less men are diagnosed with BC than women - but the process is the same - and therefore, the protocol should be fully inclusive of both men AND women!  
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  • traveltext
    traveltext Member Posts: 253

    Well, I'd suggest blink and you would have missed Male BC Day.

    Not to worry, our town was out there raising funds. And there's always next year! 

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,014
    Well done, Rod ..... I am sure this inequality will be addressed - it certainly needs it!!  xxx
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,429
    Go for it Rod.... 

  • traveltext
    traveltext Member Posts: 253
    Thanks @SoldierCrab and @arpie I'm going for it because the pink charities aren't 

    This year BCNA could muster little more than a couple of Facebook entries.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,429
    @traveltext have you thought of speaking with Love your sister  - Sam Johnson  he's a bloke and just might have some ideas 
    to help you get it out there and into the public arena more. He might even help. 

  • traveltext
    traveltext Member Posts: 253
    Good idea, thanks SC. I have followed his blog in the past and he has mentioned guys and bc. Understandably he's fixated on bc in women. But, I will get in touch and see if he has some ideas.
  • Sarnicad
    Sarnicad Member Posts: 318
    Maybe we should try to give our pink ladies blue boob outlines