Anyone from Brisbane and would like to meet up??
Ladies there's going to be a pink hope 'she shares ' event here in Brisbane on the 1.9.18. It's a small gathering of women effected by breast cancer to meet, greet, connect, support and hopefully have a few laughs. I will be hosting it and have arranged for tapas, wine, tea coffee and cupcakes as well as a goodie bag To…
Clinical Trials Webinar - What to know and who to ask
Hello everyone, Cancer Council Victoria is hosting a free webinar see details belowWebinar - What to know and who to ask Join our free webinar to get a better understanding of why clinical trials are important and what it means to get involved. The webinar will explore some of the common myths around participation and…
Male Breast Cancer Editorial from Annals of Oncology Volume 29 Issue 2 2018
Find below a great summary article of clinical trials in men by Prue Francis, Department of Medical Oncology, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Melbourne.
Friday update 27 July 2018
Hello everyone and welcome to Fridays update.Can you believe it’s only 15 days to go until the 2018 Field of Women! I myself am very excited as it will be my very first Field of Women. I have been reflecting on this event over the last few weeks and what it will mean for me to be able to stand on the MCG on the day. I’m…
Field of Women Media Opportunity for Vic women
Hi everyone, With less than a fortnight to go before the FOW, local media interest around Victoria is really heating up and we have had requests from local papers in the following areas to interview local Field of Women attendees. If you are in one of the following areas or know anybody in these areas and interested in…
Finding MY Way
Flinders University here a free online course for people going thru Cancer Here are the details in case anyone is interested. https://www.findingmyway.org.au/
Friday update 13 July 2018
Hello everyone and welcome to Fridays update.It’s been a busy couple of weeks within the online network with lots of activity. The online conversations have been many and varied and the highs and lows have been reflective of the reality of living with a diagnosis of breast cancer. Some of the events of the last few weeks…
BreastScreen Victoria Podcast
HI all, Here is the much awaited BreastScreen Victoria podcast featuring our CEO Kirsten Pilatti and the online network's very own @kmakm who did a fabulous job. The podcast explores what it’s like to be diagnosed, supports available and why events like the Field of Women are so important.
Johnson and Johnson
https://www.smh.com.au/business/johnson-and-johnson-loses-525-million-talc-verdict-in-us-20170822-gy17pu.html Johnson and Johnson still deny any link.
The Breast Cancer Unity Ribbon
Some friends and I are trying to create a symbol for breast cancer that incorporates the ubiquitous pink ribbon, but is more inclusive of Stage IV folks and men. Comments welcome. THE BREAST CANCER UNITY RIBBON1. Acknowledges that it is the number one cancer affecting women.2. Raises awareness that one percent of all new…
Link Community Transport - Northern Suburbs Melbourne
Guys, Have been unable to drive and found out about this service which is manned by volunteers. If you need to use the service its a small fee but conditions do apply. They are also looking for volunteer drivers a couple of days a week. Gets you out of the house and you meet some fabulous folk in your community. Cheers…
Fertility and breast cancer survey
We’d like to invite young women living outside metropolitan areas to participate in an online survey. The survey will help us learn more about the information young women with breast cancer are getting – or not getting – about their fertility options. The results of this survey will help BCNA develop new fertility…
Hi there to all the lovelies on here again, i have permission from the powers within at BCNA to very kindly allow me to post my flyer on here for anyone who would like to come along it would be great to see any of you if you can come and support this charity, i totally understand though how BC has left us all fuckin broke…
Newspaper article about Ribociclib
I have just read an article in today's Sunday Telegraph in which the BCNA CEO Kristin Pilatti states that "No newly diagnosed woman with metastatic breast cancer will miss out on access to this drug". She is also quoted as saying that "We hope that this scheme will extend to those women in later line treatment who could…
Friday Update 29 June 2018
Hello everyone, welcome to today's Friday update.Last week was a very busy week for BCNA with the official launch of the State of the Nation report at Parliament House by our CEO Kirsten Pilatti. If you haven’t seen the report click here Marianne, Rosie, Danielle and Kirsten attended the Cancer Nurses Society of Australia…