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Media request - Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Giovanna_BCNA's avatar
7 years ago

Hello everyone,

We have had a media request asking if we have any members who would be interested in being interviewed for a University Assignment for Breast Cancer Awareness month.

The students are working on a group current affairs/news piece to highlight the importance of Breast Cancer awareness and early detection.  They would like to include real personal stories from breast cancer survivors of various ages, in particular stories from young breast cancer patients.   

If you are based in Sydney and are interested in being involved, please reply asap.  They are planning to film sometime later this week.  Thanking you

Kind regards 


Published 7 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Hi @giovanna, can you please put this in the mets section as well I know we have several younger members with young families who  might like to participate if in sydney.
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