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Breast Cancer Wellness Afternoon Tea 11 September 2018 Adelaide

Giovanna_BCNA's avatar
7 years ago

Breast Cancer

Wellness afternoon tea

TUESDAY, September 11, 2018

2 - 4 pm

South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI )

Ground floor auditorium (next to RAH)

Topic: Hormone treatment

We welcome breast cancer patients to SAHMRI for afternoon tea.

Talk to a bra fitter. There will also be representatives from Encore, OTIS Foundation, 

Lymphoedema Association and Adelaide Breast Cancer Friendship Group. 

RSVP  BY September 7  PLEASE:Judy Iasiello Breast Care Nurse RAH@ 0402 398 692 or


Published 7 years ago
Version 1.0
  • @Sister and I had a lovely time at this Afternoon Tea. It was lovely to meet you in person! And the event was informative and friendly and we even got a goodie bag and door prizes! 
    I would definitely encourage others to attend things like this if and when you can. Xx
    (The only cost was
  • If anyone else is going to this, I will be wearing short, light brown hair and a burgundy top.
  • I hope that you're feeling well enough @Fletch.  I will endeavour (note: no promises) to report back on anything interesting that is said.
  • Hi @Sister, yes I am, well i have rsvpd yes. I have my 2nd round chemo today and really hope to be well enough to attend.
    I reckon its nice to do some things face to face sometimes, well it helps me anyway! 
    Would love to meet some other ladies on our special roller coaster. 
  • Hi @sister  I  may go  but  I don't need hormone treatment as triple negative  but it could be interesting  and fun to meet up with  others on this ride 
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