EC or AC Does anyone know the difference?
My Chemo in 2020 was EC x4, and Paclitaxol x 12. EC stands for Epirubicin and Cyclophosphamide. Does anyone know the difference between EC and AC? My belief is that they are very similar.
Perjeta/ Trastuzumab thoughts
Hi lovelies, I will start chemo soon. Perjeta as part of second part of my chemo is additional cost and not essential, what are your thoughts or experience on it? I am most likely going to go ahead and pay for it but would love to hear from other experience or point of view.
Newly diagnosed
Diagnosed on 2nd December with invasive cancer NST. (not sure what that stands for) ER/PR positive HER2 negative. Surgery done last week, breast conserving and lymph node removed. Follow up meeting today with Belinda Brown surgeon (who I really like) and was given a mountain of info. I was told that Post surgery, I will…
Prolia jab
Hi ladies just been told I need to start taking the prolia injection for osteopina I was taking the tablet and seem to have no side effects but it as effecting my oesophagus so told to stop taking them. I'm on Letrozole and seem to be doing ok but it just seems one thing after another. How's are people going on prolia I'm…
G-CSF Injection
i hope I’m in the right section to ask a question. I had my first chemo treatment AC dose dense followed by G-CSF injection. Once I got home I had a bad case of hiccups for 24 hrs which finally stopped. A week after the injection it gave me severe back pain and spasms & had to call an ambulance to emergency. I wasn’t given…
Hi all I have stage 1 tripple neg. Going to start chemo very soon . Curious to know what others have done to keep them selfs healthy whilst on treatment. I have to kids 3 and 5 and I'm so scared of chemo fever Thanks all for listening.
Peripheral Neuropathy - Ice Packs
Moderator moved @tinypott post from activity section to 'Newly Diagnosed'
Paclitaxel alternatives
Hello i recently been diagnosed and my chemo regieme to begin this week is AC 4 treatments dose dense every 2 weeks followed by Paclitaxel weekly for 12 weeks. Just trying to find out more information from here about AC effects & the peripheral neuropathy with Paclitaxel and if anyone has found it to be permanent. Hoping…
Time between two surgeries
Wondering what the safe time between lumpectomy and re-excision would be. Mine is just over 6 weeks.
hit me with your go to question for the chemo dr's
So surgery done and dusted 2 weeks a go now (8.11.2023), lumpectomy completed with 2 cancers being removed from the left breast, as well as all 27 lymph nodes, with only 1 cancer found in that, however the cancer had shown signs they had got it in the nick of time as it was showing signs of spreading out shoots to other…
What a whirlwind
Diagnosed last week with Triple Negative, picked up in my routine 2 yearly mammogram and I am heading into hospital on Friday for lump removal and sentinel node biopsy. The last 2 weeks have been like a whirlwind, both mentally and physically. I am already a cancer survivor, having been through kidney cancer 13 years ago.…
New Diagnosed
Hi, I have just been advised I have breast cancer after finding a dimple in my breast and now I feel like my world has been turned upside down, I am terrified of what is to come which I guess will be Monday when I have appt with Surgeon. My head is just buzzing is this normal.
New Diagnosis - Navigating
Moderator moved discussion to 'Newly Diagnosed' for member @nicmaree
Foot and hand syndrome chemo
Hello ladies, I’ve just realized I have foot syndrome from Chemo after searching ‘dry skin’ on this network. I’m on Paclitaxel (Taxol), just had one treatment and going for the second Taxol on Tuesday. My heels are slightly swollen and a little red. Just wondering any one had this side effect and what did you do to ease…
Steri Strips have come off after 3 days. Do they need replacing?
Hello again. I had surgery late on Wednesday for a lumpectomy and lymph node removal, the steri strips that covered the incision (dissolvable stitches) for the lymph node under my arm pit have come off. Should I be getting these replaced? Why does everything seem to happen on a weekend? TIA