New Diagnosed

nomadd Member Posts: 1 New Member
edited November 2023 in Newly diagnosed
Hi, I have just been advised I have breast cancer after finding a dimple in my breast and now I feel like my world has been turned upside down, I am terrified of what is to come which I guess will be Monday when I have appt with Surgeon.  My head is just buzzing is this normal.


  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,162
    Hi @Nomadd,

    Aside from the wonderful support and advice above, you may like to check out BCNA's My Journey resource. BCNA’s My Journey  resource is accessible online or as a downloadable app. This resource provides high quality, evidence-based information which can be tailored to your individual diagnosis and which provides insights from others diagnosed with breast cancer (It also has a symptom tracker). It is easy to access via computer, tablet or smartphone. The following articles can be helpful for someone newly diagnosed with Early Breast Cancer: 

    BCNA’s ‘Just Diagnosed: what’s next?’  Webcast: Just diagnosed in 2022, what’s next? is an on-demand webcast for people recently diagnosed with breast cancer. You can also check out our Upfront About Breast Cancer podcast series 

    You are welcome to call our Helpline 1800 500 258 anytime to chat further.

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,267
    edited November 2023
    Hi @nomadd- so sorry to see you join our select little group - we've all been where you are now & know 100% how you are feeling - this time 5 years ago, I was in your shoes, in between identifying the lump & waiting to see the surgeon - but didn't see him til mid Jan! :(  (Being rural has its problems!)   Well done on being proactive & getting checked after finding the dimple.

    Yes, it is totally normal to have your head buzzing xx ... This diagnosis mucks with your brain even more than your body, I reckon.  If you find yourself feeling a tad overwhelmed or sad, jump onto the Helpline (Mon-Fri) 1800 500 258 or chat with us - remember, there are no silly questions.

    I hope you have a trusted buddy or partner to take with you when you see the surgeon (and all appointments from now on) both as support and a 2nd set of ears - it is easy to 'miss what is said' as you ponder a previous comment from the surgeon - so I would suggest that you consider recording the appt as well, on your phone - to go over later on, if needed.  I recorded all mine til I finished my active treatment.

    @GorgyS is right - distracting yourself with the Podcasts or Movies/Netflix is good - as is maintaining doing things you love doing in the mean time and once you are able, after your surgery.  The Charlotte Tottman Podcasts are brilliant to listen to - she is a BC psychologist who was diagnosed with BC herself & had a double mastectomy, choosing to stay flat.  She only then 'really discovered' what others had been actually thru and just how it affects you mentally, once she'd been diagnosed herself.  You can listen to them here (start at No 13 for the First Series, then go back to No 1 for the 2nd series.) tottman
    Jump onto this thread & read up a bit more on other areas of the forum .... you can show off your furkids, your garden, art & craft & also have a laugh (we all need a laugh!)  Also there are tick sheets down the bottom that you might like to check out - to sort of 'self assess' how you are going xx

    Take care and all the best for your surgeon's meeting  
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,466
    To be honest, the weekend between seeing my surgeon and confirmation of diagnosis was the worst part of my cancer experience. It’s the unknown. You were never going to get this, you don’t know what will happen, you have no idea how you will manage anything and you’re scared! If you can hang on to the idea that things will actually improve from this point, it can help. Knowing exactly what helps, knowing when helps, having the words helps. Day by day, your knowledge will get better and the confusion will get less. Do take someone with you to your appointment if you can, it can be hard to take everything in at once. Keep breathing! Remind yourself that many have travelled this road before, just as unprepared, and have done well. Best wishes. 
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,297
    Hi @nomadd
    You have come to the right place.
    BCNA has a wealth of information  and resources for those diagnosed with breast cancer and this forum is a place you can ask any question and you will receive advice and support  from those who have “ been there”.
    The best advice I received from my GP when I got my diagnosis was to take a trusted person to all my medical appointments at least in the beginning as you will not  take in everything being said as you will still be in shock.
    Take care.🌺
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 942
    edited November 2023
    Whoops edit see below
    after 7 years you would think i would get this reigh
  • AnnieMichelle_123
    AnnieMichelle_123 Member Posts: 15
    edited November 2023
    Hi there @nomadd, My name is Ann and I live in Melbourne. I am very sorry to hear of your diagnosis. It is a tumultuous time. It is an awful shock and at BCNA, you are among a strong group of women who continue to support each other from diagnosis to on going treatment. During this time of diagnosis and testing, it is so important to have self care and self compassion. My daughter drove me to the beach on the weekend before my biopsy. It cleared my head and helped me surf the emotions that were like a roller coaster. For me, trusting a good medical team was essential. I went to the Melbourne Breast Unit that is a multidisciplinary team. You will be given a clear treatment plan and this is what I held on to throughout.
    I rang the BCNA and Cancer Council Helpline and both offered me tremendous support. I would also recommend finding a Breast Care nurse close to you. They are really wonderful and are clear communicators and have been through this many times with other women.
     All the very best and thinking of you on Monday 
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 942
    @nomadd all of the above advice is so accurate. Like all of us the buzzing will settle. At this stage its one day at a time. And distracting that brain with pleasurable things is the way to go. Remember to breathe. And DO NOT GOOGLE OR SEARCH your symptoms etc go to reputable sites like here and cancer council site.
    Let us know how your travelling. Be it good or not so good. Often just typing out your concerns on here can be helpful. 
  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 159
    edited November 2023
    Thank you @Bez_BCNA. I did not realize how many resources are under the My Journey section. So much to look at and process. 
  • deb1962
    deb1962 Member Posts: 2
    @nomadd I found out I had bc 10 days ago and had my lump and lymph nodes removed yesterday. I can sympathise as my head is still all over the place but my surgeon has been amazing and talking to her has put me in a much better place than I thought I'd be right now. Also had a chat to a Breast Care nurse while i was in hospital, which was helpful as well. I know there is a long road ahead but it doesn't seem quite as daunting now.
    Hopefully your surgeon will be able to do the same for you. One tip I got, which was the best, was write down any questions you want to ask them about in an exercise book (or similar) so you don't forget any of them in the appointment. Was the best thing I did.
    Good luck with your journey
    Deb 🙂 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,267
    All the best for your surgeon appointment tomorrow, @nomadd ... I hope you've been able to rest up over the weekend & get some quality sleep (difficult tho it can be, sometimes.)   

    Take lots of deep breaths if you find yourself getting agitated ... take it one day at a time, one hour, if necessary xx. 

    take care 

    @deb1962 - I can still remember that feeling of total relief, waking up after surgery & knowing it was GONE ...... then moving forward to the next treatment steps.

    I hope you are recovering well - make sure you keep up the pain killers for a day or so more (at regular intervals) so the pain doesn't break thru.    If you have a cushion, HUG IT on the way home, to prevent any bumps in the road from causing more pain ..... and NO HOUSEWORK when you get home  ;) 

    That's a Good idea with using the book for your questions - you can flick back later on & see what other questions you've asked previously too ....  I would often give THEM a copy of the same set of questions, to make sure I hadn't forgotten to mention one, in the flurry of the appointment ..... then add the answers to my copy (as I'd never remember what they said otherwise!  OR make sure you record your appts too, so you have an actual copy!  ;) )

    Take care, rest up & all the best for your ongoing treatment 
  • Leeper
    Leeper Member Posts: 1 New Member
    Hi @nomadd
    I am sorry that you are now a new member of this club, as am I.. I was diagnosed with stage 2 in early July after having a call back from the breast screen clinic. I have had a lumpectomy and then a second surgery, as the margin wasn't clear, just finished 3 weeks of radiation and am recovering, from the radiation burns which are extremely painful.. My tumour was hormone fed, so no more HRT and see the oncologist today again to start on a hormone blocker.. The roller coaster of emotions have been difficult, but just reach out for support anyway you can.. It is a scary time, especially in the beginning before you know what's going to happen with your treatment.. But take the time to look after yourself and allow yourself to have a good cry when you feel it and remember that there is lots of help available and the McGrath breast care nurses are a godsend hope after seeing the surgeon today that some of your anxiety is relieved in some way.. Hugs to you x