What pink means to me
love, compassion, affection, friendship, kindness, romance, caring, nurturing, tenderness, awareness of deepest feelings, unconditional love of self and others, harmony,protection, feminine energy, receptive, yin, inner peace, loyalty, power, tolerance, faithfulness, motherhood, youthfulness, enthusiasm, happiness,…
Day 10 after first chemo
Had to happen I have got a cold - feel pretty crappy. Had a little snooze - got my meditation and relaxation cds from the cancer council in the post. Hubby put them on my ipod - so we (son 6yr) had an ipod snuggle in bed whilst i listend to my relaxation and he listened to his music. We can have more cuddles now because he…
breast obsession
I find I am constantly looking at women's cleavage and feeling angry. If there wasn't such an obession with having big breasts then the implants would come in smaller sizes and I would not have to have a second operation. I just want this all to be over so I can go back to my life. But all the things say you don't "go…
Fed up!
Well ladies, I would bang my head against the wall, but the wall would probably break. I am set for my next Chemo on Wednesday - and my oncologist wants me to start Herceptin. The thing is, I had heart surgery as a child - so they did an ultrasound on the heart - the results were heart function of 45% - it has to be at…
Day 3 after 1st chemo
About 6 hours after my first chemo I felt completely disconnected from my body. I was most anxious - I did not like the feeling at all. I sat to do one of my guided meditations with my ipod I fell asleep and felt quite refreshed when I awoke. The first night about 10 hours after the chemo the nausea was kicking in, lucky I…
Mothers Day
Hope everyone had a great Mothers Day. I usually do the MDC and then have a crowd around for lunch. This year I was away for the weekend so didn't do that. It was at this event last year that I first thought I must do something about this pain in right hip and leg......it took another 5 or 6 weeks to find out and that's…
Mother's Day - Hurray!! Wine or NO Wine??
Hi Ladies, Just got back from our family holiday with kids ... lucky me!! If you are in chemo journey, make sure you plan a holiday / weekend away 3 weeks after your last chemo, because it time for you to celebrate!! And if you are in the middle of your radiation treatment, do the same! As one of my friend always say treat…
Help I'm desperate
My wife was diagnosed in 2006 after being told (following a biopsy) that she didn't have cancer! She had a papaloma removed from behind her nipple and they found cancer in what they cut out despite having done the biopsy That merely amplified her mistrust of the medical profession because prior to that, having gone to a…
Hi Ladies, it has been one week since my first Chemo - I have come through pretty well all things considered. The only thing I seem to suffer is a constant big fat belly-ache. I have been fairly well otherwise. Got some stitches out yesterday (a walk in the park!). Looking forward to the Easter break - YAY! no doctors,…
Chemo Update
Hi girls, Had my first cycle of TAC yesterday and so far so good. We were there for about 6 hrs as the first treatment can often take longer, plus I am part of a clinical trial so they need to take urine, more bloods and give me an injection of the drug after chemo. Anyway...so far...no vomiting or nausea, so hopefully…
The Art of Shaping – Oval & Dimond Body Shape
The Art of Shaping – Oval & Diamond Body Shape Definition revisit: If you forgot the exact characteristic of these Shape, click on the respective link below: Oval: http://www.shopyourshape.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=34&Itemid=56 Dimond:…
hair saga
It has now been 8months since I had chemo. I think I've seen high rise buildings go up quicker than my hair! I can't do anything with these chemo curls-they have a mind of their own.I look in the mirror and can hardly recognize myself.Wish I could embrace the new look and skip out the front door.I try but then chicken out…
Have had patches on my feet for last 4 nights but can't really say they have made a great deal of difference. In the morning they do feel a little less painful but by the end of the day they are pretty bad again. Very numb and tingly in the feet and toes and pain right up my leg like a pinched nerve. Right hand also very…
The Art of Shaping – Understanding your Body Shape
The Art of Shaping – Understanding your Body Shape Part 1 Understanding your Body Shape can help you in many ways, here are a few from the top of my head: * Dress more flattering & look fabulous * learn how to hide no-show bits, and show off your assets * It is an Art to learn about yourself , and yes starting with your…
Keeping Active
Hey guys, Any ideas on ways I can stay active and not goooooo absolutely crazy being at home all the time. I cant do anything I usually do, Find I'm spending all of my time sleeping. On the Computer or watching TV. Kinda going nuts and its only started. How do u girls stay sane??? Please keep in mind I cant drive ( as I…