Day 10 after first chemo

Had to happen I have got a cold - feel pretty crappy. Had a little snooze - got my meditation and relaxation cds from the cancer council in the post. Hubby put them on my ipod - so we (son 6yr) had an ipod snuggle in bed whilst i listend to my relaxation and he listened to his music. We can have more cuddles now because he doesn't have a cold anymore he says. Clever boy haha.
Going thru. the tissues and drinking lots of fluids, warm water with lemon and honey.
Just going stir crazy at home - nothing to do but housework.
This will just have to be a vent blog BLAH.
Will feel better in the morning after a good sleep. Maybe a day on the lounge watching chick flicks with my tissues, warm drinks. Oh and some chocolate tim tams. They were on special.
Hi Maria
A day on the lounge sounds like just the right medicine!
I had a really crappy day on day 14 - tired, headache, body aches and pains. I thought I was coming down with the flu but thank God I didn't. Panadol and rest helped but the headaches only eased today (day 16).
Enjoy the chick flicks and tim tams and forget the housework.
Keep Smiling
Ann-Marie xx
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Hi Maria
I hope you are starting to feel a little better. I like the idea of the meditation CD's - were they from the cancer council? Let your body tell you what to do - rest, sleep, chocolate - whatever it takes. Lot of TLC for you.
Amanda xx
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Hi Maria
I hope you are starting to feel a little better. I like the idea of the meditation CD's - were they from the cancer council? Let your body tell you what to do - rest, sleep, chocolate - whatever it takes. Lot of TLC for you.
Amanda xx
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Hi I was wondering where you got the meditation and relaxation CD's from i am really interested in giving them a whirl.