Mother's Day - Hurray!! Wine or NO Wine??

Hi Ladies,
Just got back from our family holiday with kids ... lucky me!! If you are in chemo journey, make sure you plan a holiday / weekend away 3 weeks after your last chemo, because it time for you to celebrate!! And if you are in the middle of your radiation treatment, do the same! As one of my friend always say treat everyday like Christmas. Also take advantage of the Aussie $$$$$$$$$$$ (wish I can pay my plastic surgeon in USD or Yens)
Mother's day is coming, time to pamper myself and thank my mother for all thoes support during my journey.
Happy Mother's day to you:)
No matter how you feel about food / drink right now due to Chemo - sometime it may feels good to have a glass of wine celebrate to mother's day ... However, you might have to celebrate it with Online shopping or a Glass of luxurious icecream instead of a glass of Wine. see below, or read more with googling "wine and chemo"
Here is some good shopping site to celebrate mother's day. All ship to australia
(8 may) A NO NO .. postage outrages ... though the shoes looks cheap, but shipping is not worth your time.
(8may) I shop via instead
(take advantage of the SALES links in the US site, as they have opposite seasons)
PLUS a BOX of Virtual Fine Chocolates from me (to be exchange for REAL Choc from you love one) !!! p.s choose 70% dark chocolate because it is highest in antioxidants & minus the calories.
Wine or NO Wine?
Q: While I’m on chemotherapy, can I still have a glass of wine or a beer with dinner?
Q: While I’m on chemotherapy, can I still have a glass of wine or a beer with dinner?
A: Drinking alcohol—whether wine, beer, or liquor—may interfere with some chemotherapy drugs and can cause dehydration. Find out from your doctor or others on your health care team if having one drink with dinner is okay with the chemotherapy medication you’re taking. We tell our patients not to have alcohol the day before, day of, and day after chemotherapy.
Alcohol also can worsen some chemotherapy side effects, such as mouth sores. If the mouth becomes sore, alcohol can cause burning and additional dryness of the mouth. Some patients report that taste changes from chemotherapy or radiation to the head and neck make alcohol less enjoyable.
If it doesn’t conflict with your treatment medication, having a drink with dinner might help you relax and improve your appetite. But limit yourself to one drink. Excessive drinking is dangerous. Be sure your doctor knows the amount of alcohol you were drinking before treatment began, so you can get help with cutting back now if needed.
Let's celebrate with Style!