Keeping Active

sillysam83 Member Posts: 378
edited March 2011 in Health and wellbeing

Hey guys, 

Any ideas on ways I can stay active and not goooooo absolutely crazy being at home all the time. I cant do anything I usually do, Find I'm spending all of my time sleeping. On the Computer or watching TV. Kinda going nuts and its only started. How do u girls stay sane???

Please keep in mind I cant drive ( as I drive a manual car ) & All my friends work full time! 


  • chemostyle
    chemostyle Member Posts: 150
    edited March 2015

    Hi Silly,

    Try going for a walk ...  you see I have young children so it is a little different.

    . join a book club

    . write a blog in blogspot or wordpress

    . cook up a storm for your loving hubby .. be a Jamie Oliva

    . try to find a hobby you might enjoy, which takes your mind off all the worries ...

    . ...

    I know it is not easy, especially your all your friends are working full time, and from a busy social life of a young lady.    But try to enjoy the bits of YOU that make you specail - an ipod and a walk can clear your mind each day ....


  • jennywren
    jennywren Member Posts: 111
    edited March 2015

    I can totally relate to how you feel. I am recovering from surgery last week and awaiting chemo to start (oh joys!!) and i feel like i am going stir crazy! I am sleeping alot (that way I don't have to think) but I bought a couple of books and also thought i may do some scrap booking. Anything to keep your mind occupied because I think that when we are idle we think too much!! All my friends work and it's hard when you just want someone to talk to.

    Walking may also help. I intend to start that soon too.

  • Sarah 51
    Sarah 51 Member Posts: 303
    edited March 2015


    I am just coming to the end of 10 months at home start back at work April 5th and looking forward to it - sort of. What have I done with all the time? Well initailly I watched heaps of DVD's and read loads of library books, also walked the dog every day even when I felt so bad I thought I wouldn't make it home- he cheered me up no end. First time all my Christmas cards and parcels went out on time! Baked lots of yummy cakes and had lots of lunches out with friends. I also joined 2 support groups just as I was finishing up my chemo so got out and about there. Have tidied up lots of paperwork and filed it all. Time passed quickly at times and other time it dragged but made it and am now on the up. You'll be here before you know it.

    Good luck

    Sarah x

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Hi Merylee,

    You are way to young and gorgeous to get this horrible cancer.It's so unfair to happen so soon after your wedding.You should be still in honeymoon mode without a care in the world and not facing this awful journey.Try not to feel guilt because if it was your husband with cancer I'm sure you'd become his rock.

    When I was stuck at home I read heaps of books,trashy magazines,watched tv and dvds,sewing ,wrote a journal,and planned weekends away for when I'd feel better.It's good to have a treat to look forward to.

                                        Tonya xx

  • Samantha Cunnington
    Samantha Cunnington Member Posts: 235
    edited March 2015

    Well, i found that my concentration slacked off on me!!!  I couldn't get into reading a book, just flicked thru the daily paper, the odd magazine (health/fitness), played a little piano. That was about it for anything that needed a lot of attention. Then i would do coffee/lunch with friends, i used to teach a circuit class so i would go and attend as a participant when i could, i also joined a tai chi group where i attended once a week (this is also great for lymphatic flow) and of course the odd walk.....i have kids at school, so they filled in a bit of weekend time with playing, family outings etc..

    As ur not driving at the moment maybe a frined or family member could call in to you for a cuppa, or take u out somewhere (movies??)..

    Don't forget to allow urself to just sleep when u need, try not to fight against it..let the chemo drugs do their thing..u will be up and about before u know it

    Hope u get a few ideas..hang in there..we are all here to help

    Sam  :)


  • Christine Denniss
    Christine Denniss Member Posts: 216
    edited March 2015

    I do scapbooking, Play Wii sports (tennis, ten pin anything to get my arm going etc) wordsearch puzzles, I have sorted my recipes and made recipe books for my three daughter of all my favourite recipes (the ones they keep ringing me up about, how do I make such and such) I have also sorted my wardrobe and sent a heap to vinnies. My laptop is my very best friend besides my husband.  But I only do all this when I feel well enough between chemo.

    We have an automatic car and I couldnt wait until i had the all clear to be able to drive again. I hated haveing to wait or book with family or friends to go somewhere. Not sure how you are going to go with manual car. Depends which arm you are going to be able to use after surgery.

    I got a letter from my Oncologist  after my first round of chemo check up, to say In her opinion it would be medicially beneficial for me to go back to work when I feel well enough to do so between chemo for a few hours a day. That kept me sane and i still feel part of the work place.

    But remember to rest when you need it and play when you can.

    Take Care

    Chrissy D :) xoxoxo

  • Christine Denniss
    Christine Denniss Member Posts: 216
    edited March 2015

    I do scapbooking, Play Wii sports (tennis, ten pin anything to get my arm going etc) wordsearch puzzles, I have sorted my recipes and made recipe books for my three daughter of all my favourite recipes (the ones they keep ringing me up about, how do I make such and such) I have also sorted my wardrobe and sent a heap to vinnies. My laptop is my very best friend besides my husband.  But I only do all this when I feel well enough between chemo.

    We have an automatic car and I couldnt wait until i had the all clear to be able to drive again. I hated haveing to wait or book with family or friends to go somewhere. Not sure how you are going to go with manual car. Depends which arm you are going to be able to use after surgery.

    I got a letter from my Oncologist  after my first round of chemo check up, to say In her opinion it would be medicially beneficial for me to go back to work when I feel well enough to do so between chemo for a few hours a day. That kept me sane and i still feel part of the work place.

    But remember to rest when you need it and play when you can.

    Take Care

    Chrissy D :) xoxoxo

  • MandaMoo
    MandaMoo Member Posts: 500
    edited March 2015


    I see you like photography - me too.  I have actually cut back quite a bit since my diagnosis though the past couple of days I am back into it a little more.  maybe you could get out and capture some images - Flickr is a great site to get inspiration from around the world.  How into photography are you?  I have found working on images quite a nice release for me and some sort of artistic outlet for my angst!

    There are awesome photography blogs out there and some wonderful projects - the gratitude poroject, self portrait projects, photoa day projects etc... you name it!

    Happy to share a few sites and blogs if you are interested.

    Amanda xx

  • sillysam83
    sillysam83 Member Posts: 378
    edited March 2015

    What a fantastic idea Amanda. While I'm having a little walk take a camera and capture some shots. 

    Would be very enjoyable I think. 

    I use to do graphic design work when I was younger but never pursued a career or more study in it. Loved to edit and improve images. But over the last 5 years just havent really had the time or the equiptment or computer software to keep up with it. I do enjoy photography, my husband calls me 'snap happy' I only have a regular digital camera at the moment. No SLR or anything flash like that. My mother in law offered to pay for classes for me last year but I said no coz I knew I'd get obsessed and then want a SLR I couldnt afford. LOL. Maybe it is something to re-think... 

    Thank u very much for your ideas. & Everyone elses ideas too... Got some great Ideas. Not long now till surgery date..... 


  • jennywren
    jennywren Member Posts: 111
    edited March 2015

    Good luck with the surgery merylee xx