In an Unrelenting Journey....lets see whats the smallest thing that brightens your day?
I just wanted to shout out to everyone as we are all at different stages in this journey and I guess as Im recovering from surgery I'm thinking of all of you. Thought it would be great for us all..to share something good that we're grateful for in this moment...it's hard!!! Cant be positive all the time and the journey can…
The Ghost of Christmas Past
This time two years ago I began to suspect something wasn't right, then on the night of Christmas eve I found my definite lump. I still remember staring shocked into the ceiling, the darkness was a muted summer yellow. I have that same 'something is really wrong' feeling and just wanted to talk it out with an audience.…
Capecitabine side effects - shaking and feeling weak
I am on 4th cycle of capecitabine, (had locoregional recurrence, surgery, radiation and now chemo), I have new symptoms and want to know if I should push through and complete the cycle or if I should stop early - and of course it is the weekend and I can't get on to my normal oncology nurse to ask. I called local hospital…
Shoulder Soreness/ Partial Mastectomy
10 years ago I had a partial mastectomy and had never really noticed the extreme difference in my breasts until after being diagnosed with secondary breast cancer in my hips and spine. Since about mid this year I am having a lot of problems with pain in my left shoulder coming down the front and back a short ways and down…
Hi ladies, I don't comment very much, because honestly some of the replies are just so good I often feel I can't add anymore. And I always find even after 2 years I can learn so much from the comments, I am doing well and keeping as fit as possible. Today I just want some help......my dear mother in law (92) left for…
Anyone tried medicinal marijuana or the real thing with chemo
hi there I’m asking this on behalf of a friend who is going through AC chemo at the moment I finished oct last year but we are both curious if anyone has had the medicinal marijuana I know it’s being trialled in NSW at present or was wondering if anyone had had the odd chuff or cookie etc of the real thing and had any…
End of treatment
Hi all....so today was my last day of radiation. Mastectomy done....chemo done and now the radiation done. I should be ecstatic shouldn't i? I mean i am thrilled that it is finished but i feel so flat....i have been teary all afternoon. Is this normal???
World Radiography Day
Today is World Radiography Day! Next Jan marks my 10th year as a Radiation Therapist
Dr A J Collins at Bega
hi everyone I have a quick query about Dr A J Collins at Bega. I know someone planning to have breast reduction surgery using him. Has anyone had breast surgery done by him? Do you recommend him? One person on the network wrote highly of him.
Hello Ladies, Went and saw the Oncologist Wednesday told me great news Cancer Treatable and Cancer free , then he asked if could examine right breast he said he could feel a mass .Then I got a call for an appt to see the surgeon Wednesday afternoon and there saying I have an lesion in right not sure what means, would…
Post Mastectomy
Hi all. I had my left mastectomy a week ago, and have a wound drain in my armpit. It's causing me a lot of pain and misery (more than my mastectomy scar) and it's a pain having to carry it around wherever I go. My left armpit is swollen with a burning pain but the community nurses are not able to remove it without doctor's…
Chemo is all done!
Yesterday I had my last dose of chemo! I have been feeling so excited knowing it's over, now to just get through the last lot of side effects from this infusion. the side effects are pretty full on for a few days between days 3-6 but i'm prepared for that anyway, I just work with the side effects & take each day as it…
Bi lateral mast and recon going home tomorrow !
What a week of being scared and in pain but its done now. Breast tissue all removed from both breasts just giving me now that bit more protection. Its been a tough week. Surgery last Friday, down and out sat and sun snd a slow recovery mon, tue and today up and about quite freely. Tomorrow home to my 3 beautiful girls. No…
2/11/17 Barney74's Birthday Today!!!
Sending a Huge Happy Birthday Wish to you @Barney74 for your 43rd birthday today!!! Wishing you love, laughter, humongous hugs, excitement, anticipation, being totally spoilt and caaaaaakkkkkkkeeeeeeee!!! Hope your day is brilliant. Xx Cath
Who didn't cut their hair before it fell out?
I know most people cut their hair when it starts falling out, but I'm wondering if anyone chose not to cut it.