End of treatment

3boysmum Member Posts: 19
Hi all....so today was my last day of radiation. Mastectomy done....chemo done and now the radiation done. I should be ecstatic shouldn't i? I mean i am thrilled that it is finished but i feel so flat....i have been teary all afternoon. Is this normal???


  • 3boysmum
    3boysmum Member Posts: 19
    Thank you @primek.❤
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hi @3boysmum
    Such good news that you are at the end of active treatment.  Well done.  YOU have got yourself through.  That sense of final relief/release is a strange thing and affects everyone differently.
    Go out and treat yourself.
    Summer   :)
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    It's cathartic! You put yourself through so much and you expect the highs......and it falls as flat as a flounder. What next? You are perfectly normal, you ran a great race and at the winning post, surprise! You just feel exhausted! Don't forget that tears can also be for joy or at least relief. Let it out. It's been hard. And then rejoice. 
  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    Hi @3boysmum, congratulations on finishing treatment, I finished yesterday too. Such a long process, I had chemo, mastectomy and radiation for six  weeks. I think it's normal to feel this way, I'm feeling a bit like that too. We will settle into our new normal in time I'm sure. 
  • Molly001
    Molly001 Member Posts: 419
    First of all, congrats on crossing the finish line! Oh, I felt just the same on my last day of radiotherapy. I think I was feeling a certain amount of grief for the year I lost and all the unwanted changes to my self and my life. I also allowed myself to cry for the first time about the pain and sickness I had endured, as I hadn't really given it much thought during treatment. I just did what I was told and battled on. Also, it's quite lonely at the end of the road. Sure, your family is thrilled you're 'cured' and in recovery, but they will never really understand where you've been and how that effects where you're going. There's a lot of mixed emotions at the end of treatment, that's for sure. You did it... be proud. Take care xxxooo
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    @3boysmum well woo hoo!  You got through all that!  Yes it is, as others have said already, normal to feel flat and teary - you have been so busy concentrating on treatment and all of a sudden it is over and you wonder what happened?  Allow yourself time to reflect and listen to your body as fatigue may set in!  Eventually your plans will be of a more positive nature without the need to constantly check the diary for upcoming medical appointments.  Take care and pat on the back!
  • Harlee
    Harlee Member Posts: 106
    My oncologist actually warned me that I would feel a bit deflated, unsure and anxious when I finished my treatment. I thought she was crazy because I just knew I was going to be excited and confident and relieved when it was finally done. 
    Guess who was right?
    After 7 months of throwing everything I had at cancer suddenly I was in limbo - I had to wait 5 months for my 1 year scans and then another 6 months until the next check up.
    HA! I was used to seeing doctors and nurses and therapists and every other health professional you can think of at least once a week (even daily during radiation!) so waiting months seemed like forever.
    I felt like I should be doing SOMETHING?????
    My GP told me to treat my exercise and diet program like my treatment plan. This was a great idea because then I felt like I was still doing something and I lost the weight I had put on during chemo and I became fitter than I had been prior to my diagnosis.