Support Group Sunshine Coast
Hi, does anyone know of a support group on the Sunshine Coast (mooloolaba, maroochydore area) that meets regularly for coffee? I cant seem to find anything local other than specific groups aimed at "2nd time round" or "survivors". Apparently because I haven't finished treatment im not suited to these. Thanks in advance
Radiation - a whole new challenge
Now Radiation Burns & dressings - who said it was easy ? Thanks all for your lovely comments & advice on holiday houses that are free (I have heard of the Otis houses as my daughter & her family went to one a few years ago). However it was difficult to go back into treatment after such a lovely break. Daily radiation trips…
Underarm soreness after radiation
Can anyone explain why I have more underarm pain post radiotherapy my surgeon says that rib pain is often a "pesky" problem but to me it's more than that & it's not just ribs its also under my armpit !! I had been wearing soft bras during chemotherapy & during radiation until the burns started. Now it's weeks post…
Preventative Mastectomy
Hello everyone not sure if there is a group for this yet. I am considering preventative Mastectomy. Would be great if anyone here has had this done just for a friendly chat..Hope its ok to start a new chat for this. Thank you.
22/5/18 MKItty68's Birthday Today!!!1
Sending a HUGE Happy Birthday wish to you Cat @MKitty68 on your birthday today!!! Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, mirth, magnificence, appreciation, anticipation, excitement,and beautiful cake. Hope your day has been stupendous!!! Xx Cath
Non Cancer Lumps Found
Good evening everyone. Some of you would have read my post on Not Dignosised yet. Today I got the results from my Core Needle Biopsy. All is clear I have not had cancer before. I have a strong family history. Om my mums side my grandmother and 2 Aunts one of the Aunts had breast and Ovarian Cancer. On my dads side my…
Men’s Breast Cancer Forum
Just received our new order of our Car Stickers. Thanks to Launceston BCNA for their order. And Sue Kings order. If any groups or individual is interested in our stickers, please contact us on: mensbreastcancerforum@**** Petef Bennett MBCF
Barbie’s friend, Ken, shows off his breast cancer scar
Barbie’s friend, Ken, has come out showing his breast cancer scar one year post surgery. Initially embarrassed, and diagnosed at a later stage, Ken had a radical mastectomy which involved removal of some pectoral muscles. He chose not to have reconstruction and just recently got a tat to highlight the fact that men get…
TNBC. Seven years on after a recurrence and all good. Happy Day.
Hi ladies for those of you who are worried after a Triple negative diagnosis and really for anyone diagnosed with this shitty disease, there is hope. Today I saw my surgeon 7 years after my second diagnosis (almost 9 after first with a positive lymph node). She’s really happy and doesn’t want to see me for another year.…
What do you do (or did)?
I've found that I'm thoroughly intrigued by the work that people on this forum do (or did). I read that people are wondering about continuing to work or not, have retired or are looking for work and sometimes they say what that work is but often not. As for me, I'm a librarian by profession and, due to the logistics of…
Unexpectantly had my return visit to the surgeon today instead of Monday ! And its all clear !!! Can't believe it ! Can't stop smiling !!! :) :) :smiley: One box ticked ,bring on the next one ! Radiation is up next but not until after my son's wedding Came away with a million more appts ,but who cares !! I have no words !…
19/5/18 Awhol's Birthday today!!
Sending a Huge birthday wish to you @awhol for your birthday today!! Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, excitement, anticipation, contentment, and beautiful cake. Hope your day is absolutely brilliant. Xx Cath
Fluid retention
Just wondering if anyone has suffered from bad fluid retention and have found a remedy okay to use while on chemo.
Research opportunity
Hi all, I wanted to let you know about a research project you may be interested in. Researchers at the University of Melbourne and Birmingham are inviting you to participate in a study looking different treatment choices for low risk ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Please note: You do NOT have to have had a diagnosis of…
This is ME, this is You