Next question - on waking
Hi again - still gathering info before my DMX (@kmakm - this might help you too!) and my next question is - what were you wrapped in when you woke up from surgery? I know each surgeon has their own technique so I need to ask mine this question, but I'm keen to hear others' experiences to find out what the possibilities…
New Australian MonaLisa TouchTM clinical trial
MonaLisa TouchTM (MLT) is a new, non-hormonal treatment for women with vaginal atrophy (VA). Vaginal atrophy most commonly occurs after menopause, when oestrogen levels fall and the walls of the vagina become thinner, drier and may become inflamed. VA also affectS women who have had breast cancer, where medications affect…
Hello Lovelies i have permission to post this question. I’m having a tea blend made, but can’t think of a name for it. This is a tea to help with chemo and nausea. please keep your suggestions clean and the F bombs to an F Names I’ve noted down but not sure of Red Devil Madame Pink Mrs Earl Pink Pink Mint As someone else…
Dear Ladies im wondering ... it has been already a year since my double mastectomy n reconstruction with implants ... n I will love to start boxing or lifting small weights ..... is it too much? I don’t want to believe that since the reconstruction I can’t do much... or since I got diagnosed everything had to change. There…
Planning for the end of treatment
Hi All, I finish chemo this week (after 6 months, yay!), I'll go in for a double mastectomy and node clearance on the 9th May then, all things going to plan, do 5 weeks of radiation starting about the 11th June and finishing around the 16th July. One of the things keeping me positive is a plan to go away with a few friends…
Newly diagnosed and about to start AC
Hi, Well as the title indicates I'm newly diagnosed with invasive DCIS, starting AC the week after next. I'm aware of side effects but wondering how the first treatment is likely to be - do they get worse with time, is it possible I'll feel well enough to attend uni two days later or is it just impossible to know? Feeling…
Side effects of Femara
I am 59 and had a mastectomy in 2010 after early stage BC. No chemo or radio. I have been on Femara for 4 years after 3 years on Tamoxifen. I had been experiencing memory loss and feeling a little dulled. So my oncologist took me off Femara 10 days ago and now my symptoms have worsened. I have brain fog and keep mixing up…
Good evening ladies...how do I get in contact with the moderator on here. I’d like to post a question and just wanted to check it was ok to ask? Thank you Nellie
Don't know what to do
Hi I was diagnosed with DCIS in 2015 had it taken out and I have had radiation done, now i have another one come back in March this year and had it taken out way were both benign now my specialist is asking me to choose between a mastectomy or keep being checked regularly not shore on what r
Hi There. Is there anyone who is taking or has taken this drug. I am hoping to get on a trial and wondered if anyone else had taken it. Thanks Helen
Breast Implants following major double mastectomy and lymph nodes removal
I am having surgery in May for breast implants and am anxious of what to expect. Though I have been told by my surgeon it will be 2 operations and very painful I am still going through with it. My double mastectomy was in October 2014 followed by a second operation in November 2014 to remove cancerous lymph nodes on my…
Just put this out on my blog - any comments welcome
I've been thinking a lot about the busy, busy friends I only communicate these days with online and that I really wanted to get the message out to so I've put this up on my blog - feedback welcome! Please forgive any typos as I'm just coming out of chemo day and the fingers/brain connection doesn't work so well... This is…
Disappointed in The Beacon's name change
Hi All It's been a long time since I posted. I've been thinking about this, and watching to see if anyone else commented on this. I don't know if somewhere along the way I've missed something. Was there discussion or consultaion about the name change to Pink Lady? I feel that it's diappointing, and disrespectful to our…
13/4/18 Kombigirls Birthday Today!!!
Sending a HUGE Happy Birthday wish to you @Kombigirl for your birthday today!!! Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, excitement, beauty, anticipation and cake!!! Hope your day is awesome. Xx Cath
Far out this brings it all back
Didn't know where to go have not been active here for awhile but need a shoulder to cry on. Had my 5 year mammogram was supposed to be the one to send me back to breast screen. All excited I thought that would be it but my GP just called need to discuss my results. I can't do all this again. I'm still recovering from the…