Hi there all, so as you who know me would be aware since my diagnosis Ive whinged and cracked the shits to whoever will listen including the channel 10 news and the pollies about the wait times in qld just to see a surgeon at the royal Brisbane for recon surgery let alone actually getting the surgery done and guess what I…
All my girly bits are gone!
I’m writing this in hospital after a full hysterectomy this morning. My breast cancer was 100% ER/PR and pretty much since my mastectomy my surgeon, oncologist and GP and been recommending this. Anyway, back from 2 weeks in Japan with 25 school kids on Saturday and straight into hospital. I know I wanted a break but what a…
Reconstruction Surgery or not?
Nearly 20years ago I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 'in-situ' onmy left side. Treatment was a complete Masectomy followed by 5 years of taking Tamoxifen. I was always frightened that it would comeback on my right side so I put off reconstructive surgery. If I was to have reconstruction the only option Iwould consider was…
starting an online blog
This discussion was created from comments split from: Navigating the online community (formerly the what and how thread).
On a lighter NOTE pun intended
Hi peeps Today I decided to get my Guitar out again. I have always wanted to learn to play. But the last year it was the last thing on my mind. But for some reason today it came out of the closet. I have just been practicing and it was just not feeling comfortable. Then I realized and boy did I laugh. I am not wearing a…
IBC...would love to connect with others
hello i have IBC, inflammatry breast cancer, I would love to connect with others with IBC, to be able to chat about this insidious disease. I have had 6months with a triple dose chemo, double masectomy and about to start radiation, its been a crazy ride since september. Ive been told this is rare & aggressive but fight I…
Over the 1st hurdle !
Well I spent yesterday under the care of a wonderful team @ Maroondah Hospital , they work like clockwork !! Repeating my name , date of birth & address a million times during the day ,almost muddling it up by the end of the day ! Flashing my boob to many blokes who seem to need to draw on it , stick needles in it ,take…
Lovely video I saw on Facebook
Hi everyone saw this on facebook and thought this is a great tool for young women..... https//www.facebook.com/coppafeel.org/videos/10155459739492671/?hc_ref=ARQ969g7y_-IqcHQhDajDC2PK4heHIY3Y2CIYQky7N0wQjV3niSQZCnEgrYGY2VS3BQ Feel it is a really good video about BC and knowing your boobs .... good to share to young women.
Onc. who failed to inform me fully
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Date is set !
Well I have the date for my wide local excision ,Thurs 26th April. While its all starting to become my new normal , I'm feeling apprehensive to say the least ! Cant wait to get started , does that seem strange ? I know the waiting for results will do my head in !!
bc recurrence
Hi lovely ladies. ...Just wondering if anyone has had a bc recurrence within the first 18mths of surgery and treatment....It has been13mths since my surgery and 10mths since my radiation treatment. For about 3weeks now I have had intermittent pain in an area in my chest above where one of my two cancers were. I also have a…
What's your favourite photo of yourself and why is that?
I really loved the pet thread and I'm dying to get my all-time favourite photo on to the site. It's a favourite for a variety of reasons, and even though times were tough, I could look at this pic all day. The love is shining thru. My youngest daughter doing my eyebrows or what was left of them.
Weird Financial Pity Silverlining
Just thought - I got diagnosed 3 months ago after a lumpectomy and now after a single mastectomy at the end of February I realise I’m about 500 to 600 dollars better off. I don’t know if any of you will recall but when I had my mastectomy my surgeon told me the next day that my lymph nodes were swollen and therefore I had…
When do you start 'counting' the years disease free?
I had mastectomy and chemo which finished April 2017 but then had to have Herceptin until December 2017. Wondering when do you start 'counting' those disease free years? At the end of Chemo or the end of Herceptin?
18/4/18 Libbyb's Birthday Today
Sending a HUGE late afternoon Happy Birthday wish to you @LibbyB on your birthday today!!!! Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, enjoyment, anticipation excitement, beauty and cake!!! Hope your day has been magnificent!! Xx Cath