Over the 1st hurdle !

tigerbeth Member Posts: 539
edited April 2018 in General discussion
Well I spent yesterday under the care of a wonderful team @ Maroondah Hospital , they work like clockwork !!
Repeating my name , date of birth & address a million times during the day ,almost muddling it up  by the end of the day !
Flashing my boob to many blokes who seem to need to draw on it , stick needles in  it ,take pictures of it , dye it blue ,& draw more arrows on it ! Then finally slice & dice it !  All done ! Wide local excision & sentinel node biopsy (3) 
Feeling sore & tired but on the whole not too bad, nurse just visited at home & confirmed all was well . 
Now for a long wait for the results !!! Many thanks for all the well wishes & hugs ,I really appreciate them.:) <3:*
1st step over on this shitty climb !!



  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Take it easy now @tigerbeth (but don't forget your exercises!).  Glad you're feeling okay.
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  • Finch
    Finch Member Posts: 302
    Fingers crossed results are good xxxxx
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    fingers crossed all is good with your results love, its a shitty climb to the top but rest assured it is doable, hopefully yours isnt too big, . keep us posted, biggest hug, margie xx 
  • tigerbeth
    tigerbeth Member Posts: 539
    edited April 2018
    Thanks ladies and yes @Sister I got the exercise sheet out earlier , so I'll be onto them ! 
    PS I hate wearing bras even more now !!
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Hope the wait for results is not too long! Enjoy your exercises. And funny about the bra thing - I don't wear one at home ever now. Best wishes from jennyss in Western NSW.

  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 428
    @tigerbeth Glad you are over the first hurdle & now the wait begins. It is hard but try to relax as there is nothing you can do to change it, so try not to be consumed by all the outcomes yet. I found at the beginning, your head is going a million miles an hour, trying to deal with every possible outcome, treatment & operation when you really don't know what to expect going forward as the goal posts can change constantly. I learnt that it helped if I only concentrated on what I DID know & what decisions i had to make next & that really helped me. I also had a surgeon who made a lot of the decisions for me & i trusted her. i remember visiting her for the first time & before hand i was overwhelmed with the thought of whether to have a lumpectomy or mastectomy (1 or 2) & how I would decide. In the end, she made the decision for me so i worried for no reason. In Dec. last year I was diagnosed with invasive DCIS stage 1 with no node involvement. I had a lumpectomy with clear margins so only had to have rad for 4 weeks & no chemo. Following advice from my team, I had an op 2 weeks ago to remove ovaries & tubes due to mum dying at 46 y.o. I have had a very lucky road & haven't had to deal with many of the treatments & ops that others have had to face. So my advice, is to try & focus on today & what you know & don't worry about what tomorrow MAY bring. Good luck & we are all here for you & will help you along your journey. There will be light at the end of the tunnel & you will gain more strength along the way. Hugs xx
  • tigerbeth
    tigerbeth Member Posts: 539
    @Anne65 thank you for your words of wisdom & thoughtful advice . 
    Love being part of this amazing caring group ( none of us want to be here !)

    Feeling a little less pain today which is great , still overwhelmed by it all & trying to take one day at a time ! 
    Hugs to you all xxx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Hang in there Beth. One day at a time is definitely the way to go. @Anne65 has put it beautifully! We're all here for you. K xox