Newly diagnosed and about to start AC

Little Duck
Little Duck Member Posts: 5
edited 2018 18 in General discussion
Well as the title indicates I'm newly diagnosed with invasive DCIS, starting AC the week after next. I'm aware of side effects but wondering how the first treatment is likely to be - do they get worse with time, is it possible I'll feel well enough to attend uni two days later or is it just impossible to know? Feeling nervous, apprehensive, terrified but also wanting to get treatment underway...
Any advice greatly appreciated.  


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,795
    Hi and welcome!  You Probably summed it up well "Impossible to know". 

    Others may share their experiences 

    Take care
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Hey there  and welcome . The first treatment I found  the worst whilst you figure out how the AC will effect you. After that you sort nausea meds, bowel stuff etc. I found it got better but also got increasingly tired. 
    We will be here as things crop up to help. Kath x