Why can’t I find a local support group???
I live on the Central Coast which everyone is telling me has the second most prevalent cases of breast cancer in Australia. I was diagnosed with early breast cancer in August and have since undergone 2 surgeries. Currently have the “Dracula” drain which I hate with a vengeance. I am lucky enough to have a very loving sister who has come to help me during this trying time but she doesn’t live close by normally. I am soon to start the radiation/maybe chemo/medication treatments and Iv’e been trying to find a local support group to help me through. I NEED people who have gone down the exact same track as me, who understand the emotional roller coaster the this experience actually is. I don’t think anyone who has not been actually through it, including the medical professionals, who can totally understand the impact on your mental state. I have always prided myself as being a very strong person but this has all brought me down to a feeling of despair.101Views0likes3CommentsFOODS TO AVIOD DURING CHEMO
So i have just stated chemo for breast cancer and i have read different things of what to avoid. Sushi Raw Seafood - Raw soft cheeses honey Alcohol It feels like Iam pregnant all over again !!!! no good food, morning sickness, insomnia Can anyone tell me if these are correct and have i forgotten anything?243Views0likes5CommentsStruggling
Hi ladies, away with my family spending some quality time but last 24 hours been so emotional and stressed, was diagnosed with TNBC early Dec, having 4 rounds of chemo, 16 rounds of taxol and then surgery - unsure at this stage what surgery as having genetic testing in a couple of weeks to see if I am a carrier for bracca 1/2. I had my first chemo 31st Dec, all went ok and other than first day where I had severe nausea that night the next 5 days I was just really exhausted - going into my 2nd post treatment i seem to be going ok. The thing is, the last 24 hours there is a burning pain in my tight breast and it’s sore and right arm aches - I had a needle biopsy the day before my chemo as ct showed a lesion in breast node so it is just over a week ago now and the side of my breast got really bruised and where they stuck the anaesthetic to numb the area still feels tingly and swollen, my husband says when he was looking at the ultrasound and needle was going in she was really pushing hard to grab the samples and they stuck 3 needles in to get enough, results came back fine and was benign so was a relief but I am stressing as it’s really sore still- has anyone had similar experiences with biopsies as all I can think is that this terrible diesels has spread even though my Scans mid Dec were clear. also I wonder if chemo is working and I know I am being stupid as I have only had 1 session and everyone is different but reading the side affects like hair falling out before 2nd cycle ( I am having a few strands come out only, more like malting but not much) nails going black, mine are fine at the moment, it’s not like I want these things but physiologically I feel if these things start to happen chemo is working - it’s such a mind f**k. sorry for the long winded post but just needed to release xx431Views2likes13CommentsFamily are not being respectful of my wishes
Dear all, I have invasive BC. I had surgery in May and I am currently having chemo. When I was diagnosed after much thought I decided to only tell my immediate family and a few very close friends. I choose carefully and selected people who i thought would support me. When I told people i had BC I expressly advised each of them that I did not want to have my breast cancer known to anyone else. I wanted my privacy. I wanted time to deal with my emotions. Well my parents (in their 80s and in good health) have told distant relatives. I find out because I was messaged and called on the phone. Shock to say the least and totally unprepared. I was a annoyed with my parents but explained again I wanted my BC private. Again my parents have kept broadcasting my health to others including random retirement village people in their retirement village. I then hear a message from a male cousin i only ever see at funerals that they know of my condition. Of course it was a nice message but hey I won't hear or see them until another family funeral. I challenge my mother and she says I told her to tell all relatives, a complete and utter lie. She says i must have forgotten but my husband knows I was very clear. Our relationship has deteriorated. They just don't respect my wishes. In fact they tell me I am overreacting and there is nothing wrong with telling people. They now suggest i am 'not well'. They are gaslighting here. What do I do? I had asked for space and said I would get in touch when I was able to (The intention was to create some space from them) however my mother can't respect that and haS called twice. Neither call had been good and she continues to gaslight telling me telling me I forgot whst I told her. I am stressed about it. I didn't want a bad relationship with them during this time. There is s long history of not respecting my boundaries. Yes i can forgive but I don't know if I want to see them. I can't trust them. If they contact me and they will i plan to just say everything is fine and no further details. I am not sure if I should cut them out of my journey but at the moment I feel like it given their betrayal.1KViews0likes39CommentsIs "Brian" the new Farnham??
So.......I thought I had given my lump "Brian" a beautiful farewell concert, complete with audience, drinks and a hearty "F...k Off Brian" back in March. At that stage, I was cruising through the Stage 1, grade 3 euphoria of "You got this Girl!" Doctor will do a Lumpectomy one morning, rip out a few nodes, dose of radiation and some pills just in case. Oh yeah, I was still scared, but I was being told - "we" got this!" "Brian" has left the building!!! So......the discovery of a 85mm lump of "Brian" and 4 positive nodes and 1 pissed off node, caused panic and it is now Mastectomy time. The family and I throw a "Fast and Furious" Movie Marathon as a Farewell to "Lefty". Receive a beautiful Love Note from my oldest daughter thanking "Lefty" for being an amazing breast and the Husband gets the final touch.. Rocked up for surgery on 6th May -it goes really well. Up and about that afternoon walking with the drip in my room, that I share with a 72 year old Lady who "Screams" in her sleep, calls out my name nonstop, refuses to eat and sneaks off for cigarette breaks. I wanted to go home just so i could actually sleep and rest!!! Anyway, 2 days after surgery, Dr. (I am God) Bolshy turns up with his entourage of Junior Registrars and says - "you can go home and by the way you are now Stage 3, Grade 3 and walks off." W.T.F. Did you just say? I had to chase this Bastard down the hallway and make him come back to my room!!!!!!!!!!!!! he refuses to tell me anymore other than you have jumped from Stage 1 to Stage 3 - the surgical team will tell you. I met up with the Surgical team last week and all hell breaks loose! "Brian" made a comeback!!! In fact "Brian" had been a busy little Lead Singer - shacking up with as many "Cell Groupies" as he could find the energy for and also shacked up with a Node (making 5 positive now and 1 annoyed) while spreading the love around! All he needed was 3 weeks of love action and he had created another 2mm aggressive growing "lump" near the original site where he was sliced/diced from the show and left his love juice in the form of 18mm of "Baby growing cancer cells" in my milk ducts. I am literally so shocked, I am unable to talk, comprehend or make any sense of what i was being told. What happened to "We got this??" Even though I am told "Brian is gone" and all is well - I am wondering if "Brian" is going to do a Farnsy and keep on making a comeback tour??? Anyway, IF Brian has left any love juice in my body or is thinking of making a 'Come Back" tour - He is in for a rude shock! I have a new band signed up to play in my body - SHE is called "Chemo and The Chemicals".....playing Centre Stage for the next 5 months in LOIS TOWN.....!! (lol) My new Motto: Find positivity in the little things and Use your words to defeat adversaries! Big Hugs Lois......who is not a Doctor's doormat.342Views12likes12CommentsAfraid to finish chemo
This will sound crazy but with 7 taxol to go - 4 dose dense AC and 5 taxol behind- I am afraid to finish. People say to me ‘you must be just wanting it over’ and I can’t explain that actually I don’t. Firstly, I feel kind of like I am in a bubble of relative safety. Wherever those cancer cells have landed, at least while this stuff is circulating it is stopping them from actively growing. Fingers crossed even killing some. As soon as I am on my own the fear will really kick in. Secondly, I don’t wish any days/weeks away. I don’t know how much life I have left to live and I don’t want to be rushing through slabs of it wanting it over. I try to find joy in every day. This is the only one I am sure of. This chemo has been miserable in many ways as everyone knows but still mentally I feel safe and so I am afraid for it to end.351Views2likes17CommentsWaiting time for therapy
Hi..4 weeks since surgery, what is average wait to start chemotherapy/radiotherapy please?? Feel scared just sitting here, hope its not getting worse.. Live in a regional town, so even results took a while..how long has everyone waited?? 7 out 10 lymph nodes removed were a concern..:-(( TIA.911Views0likes32CommentsUpdate
Chemo finished - tick , surgery (single mastectomy) done last Thursday - tick, drain out today - tick, results back looking positive - tick. Pleased with so far so good. Radiation to follow next year, hopefully a slow and gradual return to work - then tablet every day for 5 years but feeling incredibly grateful for all the support and encouragement I have received from members of this site - thank you. Still a distance to go with tingling feet and fingers and far too big a stomach but some of these things will disappear over time. Feeling a bit sore but again, just feeling grateful.91Views3likes1CommentUncontrollable Emotions
Help I feel like I am going crazy...……... I have so far had 3 rounds of TC (docetaxel and cyclophosphamide) chemotherapy and have managed it quite well. I have had about 4 days where I have been unwell but by day 7 I am pretty much back to my normal self. It has been 2.5 weeks since my last round, but this past week I have been so emotional and just cant seem to get it under control is this a side affect from the chemo or could it be caused by the onset of menopause. Is this normal or how long will it last I am done with it. :'( I have 1 round left and cant wait to have it over and done with. Thanks you in advance Kylie311Views0likes11CommentsPsoriasis flare up!
I have had six weeks of Paclitaxel and had a flare up of psoriasis. The first lot of chemo treatments cleared it up completely. It was so good not having red angry patches to deal with. The psoriasis isn't responding to treatment. Does anyone have any suggestions?82Views0likes2Comments