Non Cancer Lumps Found

Pahill Member Posts: 40
edited April 2018 in General discussion
Good evening everyone. Some of you would have read my post on Not Dignosised yet. Today I got the results from my Core Needle Biopsy. All is clear I have not had cancer before. I have a strong family history. Om my mums side my grandmother and 2 Aunts one of the Aunts had breast and Ovarian Cancer. On my dads side my grandmother and 2 Aunts also breast cancer. My dad also has non hodgkin lymphoma not sure if tgat makes a difference. I am heading to a specialist as soon as my GP makes an appointment probably within the next week. I with the support of my husband and my GP am going to ask for Preventative Mastectomy. My results today said fibrocystic non cancer lumps. Am I over thinking this? I am so anxious about getting breast cancer in the future. I am 50 and have alot of plans for the future. Sorry for all my posts but I am at a loss of what to think. Cheers.


  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,439
    Pahill why not give the ladies at 

    BCNA Helpline 1800 500 258 a call 

    If you have any questions, concerns or require any further information
    or support please call 1800 500 258.  The Helpline is open Monday,
    Wednesday and Friday from 9 am till 5 pm EST and Tuesday and Thursday from 9 am
    till 9 pm EST.

    They will be able to answer things more accurately than a lot of us could. 
  • Pahill
    Pahill Member Posts: 40
    Ok sorry. I will contact them about it. Thank you. 
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,439
    edited April 2018
    no need to be sorry ..... 

  • Pahill
    Pahill Member Posts: 40
    Thanks for all your kindness soldiercrab. Hope your journey is going well. Cheers.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    No I don't think you are overthinking it but as the urgency is gone  I would definetly have genetic counselling. Knowing you have a positive gene might mean the need for additional surgery or  not. Also if you do carry a gene it's important for your offspring. Because of family history and my Dad being gone...and the sample was held in Scotland, all 3 of my Dads kids were mapped and tested. So we can be sure he never carried it. They even sent out an original sample and retested mine against it again to be certain. They were so sure I had the gene because of age and the age they developed it.

    I had an Aunt who had bilateral breast and ovarian cancer (and 2 others had ovarian)  but don't have her known faulty gene. At this stage they believe I'm just the average unlucky 1 in 8. 

    Talking it over with a counsellor really helped me feel more comfortable. I had the mastectomies and reconstruction. I don't regret it. But I really miss the sensation of my breasts and it does impact on intimacy. 

    We  have a breast reconstruction group you can request to join. Many have included their photo stories. If you would like reconstruction you can plan this as same time as mastectomy. 
  • Pahill
    Pahill Member Posts: 40
    Thank you primek 
  • Pahill
    Pahill Member Posts: 40
    Thank you I have requested to join
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    @mum2jj could you look out for group request. Thanks. 
  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,270
    @Pahill, you've probably given us the best news we could hope for, on your behalf. As @primek said, talk to a genetic counsellor about genetic testing,  but at the endof the day, the decision to have preventative mastectomies is yours to make. I didn't have a mastectomy but I believe there is  a closed faceboook group, called Reclaim Your Curves,that could be worth looking into. 
    AnAustralian website you may be interested in is Pink Hope, to look at pros and consof preventative mastectomies 
    Take care, & stay in touch
  • Pahill
    Pahill Member Posts: 40
    Thank you for your kindness 
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    edited April 2018
    Hi there love. I’ll be honest with you if that was me I would not hesitate to get the preventative/recon surgery with that history of yours. I would of felt thst I dodged a bullet for sure. Anyway seek the advice of your surgeon and go from there. Like I told you trust your gut definately not over thinking it love. You’ll know what’s best for you.let us know how you go Margie.   Xx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Check out the Breconda website too. It's a breast reconstruction decision making tool that might be useful.
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    @pahill I also wish I trusted my guts the year before diagnosis when they found the fibroadenonoma which I’d never had previously and I wanted to get the mastectomies then but was told “it’s not necessary”.   Don’t let My circumstances influence your decision but don’t ignore your gut instinct either love.  Whatever you decide you will have ongoing support here with the gang on here. Margie. Xx 
  • Pahill
    Pahill Member Posts: 40
    Thank you once again everyone. I have been quite upset about all of this. However hearing that I dodged a bullet this time was awesome news. I am waiting for an appointment with a spealicst and I will take it from there. But both my husband and I think having a Preventative Mastectomy is something we should seriously consider. Think I have already Decided just need to chat with them and see how that goes....Thanks so much for all your help. Cheers