Research opportunity

Lisa_BCNA Staff Posts: 140
edited April 2018 in General discussion
Hi all,

I wanted to let you know about a research project you may be interested in.

Researchers at the University of Melbourne and Birmingham are inviting you to participate in a study looking different treatment choices for low risk ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).

Please note: You do NOT have to have had a diagnosis of DCIS to participate in the research study.

Who can take part?
You can participate in this study if you:
  • Are over the age of 18 years
  • Are comfortable reading and writing in English
  • Have OR have not been diagnosed with breast cancer (the research team is interested in seeing what people diagnosed with breast cancer think and what people who have never had a breast cancer diagnosis think).

What does the study involve?
The researchers are inviting you to attend a short, face-to-face interview at the University of Melbourne or a convenient local venue. The session should take no more than 60 minutes and refreshments will be provided.

During the interview, you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire describing a number of imaginary scenarios relating to possible treatments for DCIS, such as surgery, radiotherapy or active monitoring (e.g. having regular scans, such as yearly mammograms). For each if the imaginary scenarios, the researchers will ask how you might decide what treatment(s) to have.

The aim of the research is to help women make better informed choices about treating DCIS in the future by exploring how different treatments might impact upon quality of life.

How do I find out more about the project?
If you would like to participate or would like more information about the project, please contact Hannah Bromley (Doctoral Research student) at the University of Melbourne by emailing

For more information, please also read the Participant Information Statement.


  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Thank you Lisa.
    Has anyone taken part in this research ?
    I think any research is important for others coming behind us so I have made contact and will be taking part.
    The research team is happy to travel outside Melbourne which is fantastic as it means regional and rural ladies may be able to share their opinions.
  • Lisa50
    Lisa50 Member Posts: 28
    Hi Lisa. So how do you participate?
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    You contact in the first instance and Hannah will take it from there.
    Where are you located ?.

  • Lisa_BCNA
    Lisa_BCNA Staff Posts: 140

    Thanks for your messages @Summerhill38 and @Lisa50. It is great to hear you will be taking part in the study @Summerhill38!

    @Lisa50, as @Summerhill38 mentioned, you just need to email Hannah Bromley at Hannah will give you information about what is involved and arrange a time for your interview.

  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    I spent an interesting hour or so with Dr Hannah today and will add a posting later.
    I encourage ladies, with or without BC experience, to take part.
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935

    Hello ladies

    I have been advised I am not allowed to put a separate posting on this subject so I apologize for the time delay.

    I spent an interesting hour or so with Dr Hannah as part of the current
    research project titled “Valuing the benefits and risks associated with
    treating low risk breast conditions”.  
    This is part of a joint PhD programme between the Universities of
    Melbourne (Australia) and Birmingham (UK).

    This is your opportunity to share your views with breast cancer
    researchers. It is important that women’s preferences for treatments are
    included in the decision-making process when it comes to planning breast cancer

    Dr Hannah would love to hear from any other ladies, with or without a history of breast cancer, who would like to
    participate in the research.  Also, your
    breast cancer does not have to have been a low risk cancer.  Perhaps you have a friend who would be prepared to take part as well.

    Dr Hannah is prepared to meet rural and regional ladies outside the
    Melbourne metropolitan area.

    Please take this opportunity to have a
    say and make sure ladies who have to follow us down the cancer path are given
    the same or better cancer services.

  • three tits
    three tits Member Posts: 12
    Thanks alot for this. I am happy to take part in this study so I have just sent an email off  to the researcher  after reading this tonight.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Is this restricted to those in Melbourne only ?  could it be skype called instead for those of us in other parts of AUSTRALIA?

  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hi @SoldierCrab
    Perhaps email Dr Hannah.  She was wondering if it would be possible to Skype so maybe she has worked out a way to do so.
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hi @Lisa_BCNA
    Is the study only open to participants from Victoria?
  • Lodds
    Lodds Member Posts: 6
    Hi do you need to be living in Victoria to participate in this?
  • Lisa_BCNA
    Lisa_BCNA Staff Posts: 140

    Hi all, thanks so much for your interesting in the project. It sounds like a really interesting, valuable piece of research. I will get in touch with Hannah now and get back to you asap!

  • deh
    deh Member Posts: 79
    Hi everyone. Just letting you know it is possible to research interview with Hannah via Skype. Did mine today and very  glad to be part of this project.
  • deh
    deh Member Posts: 79
    PS I live interstate
  • three tits
    three tits Member Posts: 12
    Dr Hannah B was quick and very warm in getting back to me  and I look forward to the experience. [ the interview scheduled under two weeks from my email}I yes I do live in the greater Melbourne area. I think it was mentioned that in  considering this and talking to someone can revisit unwanted emotions  . I am a believer in talking about emotions with a person you trust  and yes it might make you cry, and for some reason applying for participating of research it has made me revisit the first 6 months of diagnosis, eg did I need a mastectomy after  the first surgery etc etc..., but there is no crime in crying.
    I am 6 months post mastectomy after  a month earlier a breast conserving op  and most of the time i think i am learning to accept the loss of grief accompanied with the not very nice physical sensations of the mastectomy, mostly inmproving , however revisiting the possible options rears my grief that i did not want the mastectomy  and would have rathered  tryng radiotherapy. 
    Yes, most of the time i feel fortunate the breast screening helped the early detection of breast  cancer, other times the honesty that it is not easy raises its head. Being honest and real is very important to me and that in the long run helps me very much to be resilient xxxx  it feels good to be able to participate in research , so i hope you other ladies interstate get the chance xxx It feels good to have this forum too so thanks xxx