So happy:)
Well this is a non cancer related blog!Today is my 59th birthday!I wasn't really expecting any presents,just a day with my husband and daughter,maybe some take out Thai for tea,and getting the food ready for tomorrow.Many years ago,I used to ride a bike,but when we came to Sydney,I just took up walking,because we live in…
18 + months on
It's been a while since my last post. One of the blessings that treatment and the extension of life gives you is a thirst to live, and for me, work. I have achieved some personal goals since my treatment, and worked hard to build my business up with my partner. I am spending far more time with my daughter, and our pets,…
What a day!
I had a huge day today...for some reason that still escapes me, l was awake at 5am (went to bed at about 11:30) so l decided to get up, don some very long forgotten lycra & walk the 4.7km around Albert Park Lake...now l normally can't be bothered to walk to the mailbox, so all this took me by surprise! I did it in just…
Keep calm and carry on
It's been a while since my last blog post. Honestly nothing too much has been happening. I was taking the experimental drug I mentioned in my last post but after a bone scan it showed it had not been working and two new cancers have popped up in my femur and rib bones. How did I feel about that? Not surprised; I mean I…
I can do this!
I am feeling excited, or empowered or something. I am not sure what the feeling is really but my turbans, hats etc arrived from Headcovers Unlimited, USA. I have tried them all on and they don't look too bad, even if I do say so myself. lol Thanks to BCNA for the link to this incredible site. I put my order in with them…
A chuckle and a connection!
I was reading through my diary today and found something I'd like to share with you all. A few weeks ago I arranged to have lunch with my work mates at uni who I hadn't seen for a month or too.This was also a chance for me to kill two birds with one stone; visit my wonderful work mates and also buy a birthday present for…
1 year lumpaversary
Tonight is 12 months since I found the lump in my right breast. It feels like yesterday and so much has happened since then, but I'm still here and feeling better every day. Even though rads finished back in early September the medical appointments don't seem to stop. In the last month I have had: - Mammogram and…
Beanie Plaitz
Hi Ladies, Just want to share my beanie plaitz with you. Yes I spelt it correctly ( make it trendy said my teenage daughter ) lol. Since I have been bald for the last 3 months I have adorned my faithful beanie with hair extensions, that look so real the nurses at the hospital questioned why I hadn't lost my hair yet? That…
Financial Impact of BC on Small Business
I cannot believe that it is nearly the end of October 2013! The year has been an extremely difficult one financially - which is a result of my BC, husbands illness and general farming conditions. I certainly have a book to write with regards to the amount of crap we have dealt with from one of the big banks in the last 5…
Working at Amcal Legana
Here is a new photo of me, 6 months after last chemo and a few weeks back to standing 4 hours per day from Monday to Friday. If you get a chance call in to see me at Legana Amcal Pharmacy in Launceston!
Missed a beat or two :)
Hi Ladies, I've been missing a best or two in more ways than one. Well it looks like I did run over someone in a past life. I have come to another speed hump ladies. I haven't been keeping up with some of your posts lately so sorry I haven't replied. I have read them all with interest though it's just I've been sooooo…
Hi everyone, Just wondering has anyone gone on a plane with a portacath? I am thinking that it may trigger the metal detectors when going through security, even though I thought that it doesn't have metal bits. Maybe it does, can't remember. My husband and I are flying to Hawaii on Saturday evening for 10 days, a reward…
Beautiful day
It is such a beautiful day here in Hobart. I sat outside in the sun just because it felt so beautiful after all our cold weather. So nice just to sit and be peaceful. I am reading Pema Chodron's book The Places that Scare you. It has nothing to do with cancer but it is about living life with truth and compassion. There is…
and now it's more than a year
I can't believe I'm nearly 18 months out. Sometimes it feels like yesterday, and other times like years ago. Arimidex every day - just causes my joints to ache and I am still incredibly tired. I think that's Arimidex too, must be. I am otherwise really well. My gut, which had been problematic for a long time, has finally…
Cheryl's Challenge
Help me reach my 'Steps Towards a Cure: Great Wall Trek 2014' fundraising target. As you may already know I am a breast cancer survivor, I am participating in 'Steps Towards a Cure: Great Wall Trek 2014' and I'm really excited about completing this challenge, so wish me luck. A big part of 'Steps Towards a Cure: Great Wall…