Last Day
So today, 7 months since my mammogram ..I finish treatment ..... I can't believe it... Time to get my life back before BC, if that's possible.... time for 2018 to begin... So I think today will be filled with lots of tears,... lots and lots of tears . Now I just have to deal with the Hot Flushes and Bone aches from the…
Anyone with daughters?.
Hi there been meaning to put this post out for a while. We have two kids boy aged 19 and girl aged 21. Oncol says she is at increased risk as I’ve had it but because I’m negative for the gene she’s not high risk. And the surgeon says she doesn’t have to stsrt mammograms unti aged 40 but I was wondering what age anyone…
Who posted the happiness co link?
just want to say a massive thanks I have spent about an hour looking at the positive posts. Awesome and just what I needed. Thanks
Off to the beach
wont be around for a few days we are heading to the beach tomorrow. Can't wait
Bad night
I'm just on to get things off my chest (ha! made a funny). I had the partial mastectomy the Thursday before Christmas. The surgeon said that the results probably wouldn't come in until the end of last week. I hadn't heard by Friday afternoon so I rang him and he said they still hadn't come. So, I've been putting it down to…
http://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/nightlife/james-adonis-the-motivation-myth/9299960 I listened to this broadcast last night - platitudes et cetera really don't cut it! He wrote this book 12 months ago and since then has been diagnosed with Brain Cancer
Just need some advice.
Hi all....hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and new year. I went for a job interview on Friday. It's fulltime. I am currently working about 30 hours a week and bumping my income up doing Uber!! My current employer has been awesome...hiring me mid chemo treatment, adjusting my roater when i had radiation etc. I bust my…
Happy new year to everyone
this year is going to be amazing. I can feel it in my waters to quote Kath n Kim thanks to you all for your wisdom and insight and kind words I wish everyone the best year ever!!!!!
CANCER ? Even my shower has it ! (A light-hearted moment)
Having moved house I found the shower glass soooooo hard to clean - in fact, it would not clean. After much research i found it has 'glass cancer' - yes, truly ! My friends think it is hillarious. If your shower glass seems to be good when wet then foggy when dry but is not dirty it may be crappy glass, perhaps it was…
Pic of the day
Sorry seriously last one for today would you tell Work
umm I am on a six month probabtion. Which I have been several times they love me and they have been super supportive of the appointments I have needed to go to so far for bc. I don’t know yet but I am assuming I will have appointments now for graves thingy. Should I say something or just keep low key until after March. I…
Overhead discussion yesterday that made me sad/angry
yestersay while out shopping and at a checkout so I couldn’t really move I heard a older lady saying to someone really young looking. Well is she a fighter she needs to be a fighter !!!! Her reply well she is a bit anxious and scared of the chemo. I actually wanted to punch the older in the face to imply that only fighters…
What am I doing wrong
heaps of times I have typed up a huge rambling message and hit post and it will post like the first sentence ? Why??? Any computer experts on what I may be doing wrong
Feeling Low but Great GP
Hi, Feeling like crap today as my results were supposed to be back this week and they're not so I won't know whether I have to have further surgery until NEXT YEAR! And it's summer and just the best time to be in the water and I can't be. My underarm hurts from the surgery, and the tiny bit of skin that I can actually feel…
Swollen lymph node?
Every fortnight it seems lately there is something new to worry about. This is my swollen node which is behind the elbow of my jaw. Swelled up for no reason on Christmas night. I couldn't turn my head to the left as it was movement restricted from the swelling. The next morning it had largely gone down although still hot…