Sometimes we only get a part of someone's story
When I was first diagnosed I told a friend/acquaintance that I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her, being very much into herbs and spices and supplements, and could probably name all the ingredients in any product you buy off the shelf at the supermarket as she was very much into the alternative way of eating. She…
Birthday wishes to @Anne65 for 23 November
To dear @Anne65 Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!
Hi is it usual to have pain 2 weeks after a mastectomy
Birthday wishes to @Mellie for 23 October
Happy Birthday to @Mellie I hope that you have a lovely day :)
Revolutionary Silicon Nipples now made in Australia.
The other day, I watched a segment on Studio 10 on an Australian woman who does Nipple Tattoos ... and she has recently branched out into Silicon Nipples - which are just AMAZING, they are so lifelike! The company is: https://www.procosmediq.com.au/siliconeprosthesisabout Check them out here:…
Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day - 13th October 2022
Today is Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day. Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) will continue to advocate and be a voice for those diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer today and every day. BCNA announced today that there are over 10,000 people living with metastatic breast cancer in Australia. This figure is…
Hair dramas - funny
So just when I found out I needed chemo I also discovered the kids had given me headlice. It was the only chemo upside I could see - get rid of the horrid things. Well I’m two AC in and have about 100 hairs left and I STILL found two lice this morning. Seriously those things are indestructible. Did make me laugh though.
My Care - Understanding Best Timeframes for Treatment
Hi members, During October for breast Cancer Awareness Month, BCNA will shine a light on optimal breast cancer care. The aim is to raise awareness in the community, the health sector and amongst the BCNA network about what optimal care means. I know not all of you are on other social platforms so I thought this would be a…
Im sorry, but I'm tired out. Since I've told only a small handful of friends, it seems they're all unloading all their issues on me..I'm exhausted. I'd love it if they also asked how I am, but they don't, that's why I see a therapist, so I can unload. It doesn't seem right. It hurts
Integrated doctor/oncologist in Victoria
Hi all This is my first time posting. I am looking for a doctor/oncologist who will support me during my breast cancer journey. I have recently returned from ten weeks in Bangkok having alternate treatments, I am still under the protocol of the clinic in Thailand and want to continue. I just need to find someone here…
21 October is @LEEMA Birthday !
We wish you a very Happy Birthday @LEEMA
Happy Birthday wishes to @Jenv for 21 October
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday @Jenv
Male Breast Cancer Awareness Day - 20th October 2022
Today is Male Breast Cancer Awareness Day, and we would like to highlight that breast cancer can affect anyone, with around 212 men diagnosed each year in Australia. Paul has a strong family history of breast cancer and carries the BRCA-2 gene mutation, but his initial diagnosed in 2018 still came as a shock. He was then…
Welcome New Members -20th October 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members: @BaaElly @MoiraT @Baila433 @Goldie47 @JojoK @Windy @Suze6 @Honestly @DaniJ @Ell2006 @Pansy @TamraC @kerrie60 @Jazzer @Boie @gerbera @NickSD You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can engage…
Q&A on Breast Cancer & Genetics Monday, Oct 24th
Annabel Crabb is doing another BC Q&A event ..... on BC & Genetics - Oct 24th, 5-6.30pm https://www.breastcancertrials.org.au/news/qa-events/qa-genetics/