Queers and Cancer

rickiticate Member Posts: 36
edited October 2022 in General discussion
I would love to know if there are face to face meetups for members of the LGBTIQA+ community with cancer. I find face to face catch ups so very empowering and supportive and I understand the importance of online support when you live remotely, cannot access face to face for some reason.

I am based in Melbourne and would love to connect in person for those willing and able.


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,299
    Have you joined the LGBTIQ+ Members Private group, @rickiticate?  Just click on the 'Join' button & one of the Mods should sign you up. 

    Now that covid restrictions have eased a lot, members are meeting up together again ..... good luck!

    take care

  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,187
    Hi @rickiticate, glad you have found the online network.

    I also wasn't sure if you have checked out the BCNA Service Finder https://www.bcna.org.au/services-and-support-groups/ to look for groups in your area. I also plucked out the My Journey article Social support for LGBTIQ+ people with breast cancer which may have a few other helpful resources that you can connect with to find support. 

    You may already have touched based with QLife which is a national, free, confidential LGBTQI phone and webchat service, open 3pm to midnight every day of the year. You can talk to a peer counsellor for LGBTQI-specific support, information and referrals, including for people with cancer. 
  • rickiticate
    rickiticate Member Posts: 36
    Thanks Mez,

    As an LGBTIQA+ inclusion consultant I am connected to QLife but I was looking for somethng since I am new to Melbourne. I will check out the social support link,thank you