I see for quite a few ladies, they are stopping Tamoxifen to try pregnancy,, I have been considering stopping to lose weight because I have been a good girl and done everything I was told from the get-go but the weight gain is just depressing and Im sick of it, Thought if I stopped for 4-6wks, surely it wouldnt do any…
Well, That Sucks
Hello everyone! I am a Chick LIt/ Women's Fiction author and I live in Bridgetown Western Australia. I have my own author's blog over at www.ladale-writer.com Since this whole journey began I've closed it down for a while, as well as my writing. I just couldn't concentrate and every time I opened my laptop the most I could…
Relay for Life - North Shore
I have wondered if i should continue to hide or get right out there and help those that have helped me. I am feeling a little positive about it. So I will walk the relay.
Dear ladies, the World-renowed health researcher and award-winning author Phillip Day is in Australia!!! For those in Melbourne the 11 of March in The Centre Ivanhoe, 275 Upper Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe from 2 to 5pm he will be giving a magnific talk. For all the other please check in the web-site www.credence.org I went…
Travel as a diversion
It is amazing how much you can be uplifted just by getting away, be it for a weekend, an afternoon or a few weeks. Life in general is getting busier and busier and we seem to be in a never ending flurry of activity so having some time (no matter how short) to recoup, relax and take stock is always a lovely luxury. I am…
On the Ride to Conquer Cancer
Hi Everyone This year on the 13th & 14th October I, together with my husband will be doing the "Ride to Conquer Cancer". I know we hear on the News, and in the Papers and Magazines about those celebrities who are diagnosed with cancer. But we don't always hear about your friend, your neighbour, your colleague or the member…
Have a cold
So I have a cold. It is a year since I finished chemo so it is of no special importance to have a cold now. But, it is the first time I have been sick since I had cancer. I don't know quite why, but it is weird and I feel quite bothered. I guess it is because I have gradually getting stronger and fitter and I feel scared…
sad day
Wow what a day. I went to a friends funeral today and it was only my second ever funeral but this one meant a little more than the first and it really got me. I actually got really light headed and started sweating profusely whilst we were outside so discreetly my husband got me back to the car where i just had to lay…
Weight gain
Just feeling a bit low at the moment, saw my Dad who is always brutally honest and he told me how big I am looking now. I know I am the heaviest I've ever been (75kgs, 167cm) and then even my Sister piped up and said she thought it must be 'fluid'. Aaarrgghhhh! I know I am comfort eating right now, when your taste buds are…
Wig help please
Hi, Just about to start chemo, have bought hats and scarves and not sure if I could wear a wig. The wigs at our wig library looked really fake and I am in the country and trying to look on the net. Some suggestions on good brands and whether to get microfilament, real hair etc. thanks, Kylie
Hi, I am new to this, I was diognosed on Dec 1st 2011 with early breast cancer. My Dr decided to do pre op chemo, so far I have had 2 treatments and the lump had reduced by half after the first 1 and the lymph node can no longer be felt. Although I feel really positive about this I stil have alot of anxiety and I am…
hi all , happy australia day ..... just typed a long report and my laptop froze dont ya hate that so lost all i had typed . any ways i hope this year is better for every one , my husband Daryl is slowly improving has had a few ups and downs but after a quintuple by pass to be expected , at the moment his left arm at the op…
First and last
hi all u lovely lady's:) well I'm in my 30 's and have finish my op,chemo and radio . I got on this site as a thought it would be helpful with my decision about having a reconstruction using the lat dorsi method. but I found myself wondering through the different blogs and I came across a women who had had bad news and…
Hello everyone, I've just finished my 3rd AC with one more to go 2nd Feb followed by Taxol which will be weekly for 12 sessions. Being quite a social person I'm finding that I'm feeling like a spectator looking in especially about a week after AC. Today I was so looking forward to catching up with a heap of girlfriends…
Mastectomy Swimwear
Hi. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good provider of mastectomy swimwear. Thanks. Anna