
Alison 33
Alison 33 Member Posts: 8
edited January 2012 in Health and wellbeing

Hi, I am new to this, I was diognosed on Dec 1st 2011 with early breast cancer. My Dr decided to do pre op chemo, so far I have had 2 treatments and the lump had reduced by half after the first 1 and the lymph node can no longer be felt. Although I feel really positive about this I stil have alot of anxiety and I am worried I am getting depressed. I ended up in hopsital after the second treatment  with a racing heart only to find out it was the dexmethesone, so they are going to reduce this in the next one. It's a week after my treatment and I stil feel anxious about my elevated heart rate which makes it worse. I guess I just want to know if there are any similar experiances


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,836
    edited March 2015

    I'm so sorry to hear about your breast cancer diagnosis but you have come to the right place where you'll get info and support.Have you suffered from anxiety or depression in the past?If you have, then stressful situations like b cancer may trigger it again.Or have you only had symptoms of anxiety since starting chemo?If so,then it may purely be the chemo drugs.They sure sent me into a spin. I don't usually get anxious but I did when I got my first breast cancer diagnosis back in 2003.I spent the weekend shaking,crying,heart racing and couldn't eat much.Once I saw my surgeon and a plan was put in place I calmed down.I had a second bout of b cancer in 2010(same breast,same spot)and I was ok with it but broke down into a blubbering mess when I had to start chemo.After I was through the mastectomy and then the chemo,I started on Tamoxifen and this drug made me feel quite low and couldn't sleep(not to mention the hot flushes)So my oncologist put me on a very low dose antidepressant called Endep which really helped. I also try and do something each day that helps me relax like going in my spa and doing deep breathing.Find that" thing" that helps you relax and by slowing down your breathing perhaps your heart rate will come down. But you should talk to your doctor about your symptoms and feelings cos they may need to adjust your chemo/meds.You may also benefit from counselling with a psychologist(at your hospital?)This is very huge stuff you are dealing with so you need lots of support.Blogging/venting on this site about your fears may also be helpful for you.You are not alone here as we have or are going through the same journey and we understand.

                                        Tonya xx

  • Keryn
    Keryn Member Posts: 107
    edited March 2015

    Dex put me into hospital too.  But eventually I wasnt having any as I chose not to take it.  You would have to follow your Dr's advice there though.  I found while on Dex I was doing the housework as 2am as I couldnt sleep and I have heaps of nervious energy, pity all the extra exercise didnt see me loose weight!  You will find a way to cope, maybee a crafty pursuit like knitting, or card making? I had my christmas cards all made by June, LOL.


  • Alison 33
    Alison 33 Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2015

    Thanks for your advice, I am definatly getting less dex next time. My bloods were a bit low along with my blood pressure and increased heart rate so I find out tommorrow if that has been causing part of the problem, I may need a top up. The chemo I'm having is a/c and from what i've read on here it is a very strong treatment. I've never had anxiety or depression so not sure if thats causing half my probs or just the meds, I think I do need to take up a hobby though!