hi everyone I'm three and a half months post rad therapy and totally weiry of my own cancer story. I thought it was about time to make some changes in my life and thought I might start dating again . I'm 61. Anyway the question is when do I share my BC history? Scenario 1 hi ! Great to meet you. I've had BC! Or wait for a…
Just an offload
Just when I felt I could cope with going back to work part time. There isn't any hours available at my old Office humbug. Considering my options. Early retirement gone not enough $ there. Used most of it when hubby got sick and then his funeral Whose going to employ someone with a foster child that has special needs plus…
Contemplating the future!
Hello Lovelies, im thinking about work and life after this horrible nightmare that is Breast Cancer, Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy and wanted to know what everyone did post treatment. did you go back to the same job? Or start fresh somewhere else? did you take time off? feeling lost! At the moment I'm going through the…
Disability pension
I am currently applying for a disability pension with my husband as my carer. I just cannot figure out how I would get a job in the first place. I used to buy and renovate houses but my main arm now has lymphedema so even using a hand saw for any length of time is out. I thought about retraining and perhaps doing a course…
Reclaiming Life
Well we did the 1,000k round trip to the breast surgeon appointment end of July. All good. I got to discuss nipple reconstruction and now on waiting list for those. Since it usually takes us 3 days to do this trip, we decided to go on my husbands motorbike and think of it as a mini holiday. It was all about recovery. Only…
its been a while
Hi All Life has been so busy since I was last on. I only just managed occasionally to go near the computer for nothing more than checking my emails and mandatory reporting to CentreFink (not a spelling error) I wont get started on that one. finally a week after finishing my radiation (25 of them) They zapped away at my SCF…
Five year bc ladies
There is so much wonderful support and information on this site from those going thru bc treatment. Just wondering if those who have gotten past the 5 year milestone might occasionally check back in . It would be a bit of a beacon -that there is a light at the end of the tunnel thru the tough bits
hi everyone just to let you all know I am going ok .... Just to cold at night to be on the computer..and for some reason my tablet keeps signing me out of the online network I hope this finds the ratpack all going well and bring on the warmer weather where I will be online more ...
Didn't have a very good day today, at work this morning doing my job then all of a sudden I'm crying wtf. I have had pain and my boob had been swollen again which I think was the start of the tears, these things come back to you and slaps you in the face. I ended up going home couldn't stop crying arrr! I called in to see…
Second AC chemo done Thursday with PICC line and feeling ok, first day after and eating alright but today everything I eat I can't finish. Nothing tastes good, feeling blah but my husband just took photos of my hair that is falling out and made me laugh while he was doing it as he said he is sending pics to my daughter in…
Hello again...this week I found out grapefruit is a no no...oops!!! Thank you to the lovely that pointed this out to me...what about turmeric is that allowed? Thank you Nellie xx
5years ago tonight
5 years ago at 730 at night I found out I had breast cancer, stunned silence. My surgeon gave me the my journey kit and very late that night I become part of a new family. Thank you bcna for allowing me to talk and chat with angels who got me through the good and bad,thanks for allowing me to meet ladies I only knew on the…
Where has the year gone!
i was diagnosed with breast cancer one year ago today, 10.30am 20 July 2016. My appointment with Breastscreen Southport was for 10.00 and by the time I was eventually called in at 10.30 I thought they would find my husband and I passed out on the floor from nerves! Thank goodness the doctor just said "I'm not going to bear…
Bra after mastectomy
so I had my mastectomy last Thursday and I'm now home. All is going well except I have some tingling in my arm. I have one D cup boob left and feeling very unsupported. What bra do I wear, when can I start wearing a bra, where do I get one? Bit unprepared :(
What to do!
hello lovelies...I'm not sure what to do, I've had chest pains on and off since Saturday...pain is hard to explain. Do I go to emergency? Stupid question I know