its been a while

cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
Hi All
Life has been so busy since I was last on. I only just managed occasionally to go near the computer for nothing more than checking my emails and mandatory reporting to CentreFink (not a spelling error) I wont get started on that one.
finally a week after finishing my radiation (25 of them) They zapped away at my SCF + Axilla + IMC  c DIBH ,after the first week instead of listing all the target spots I'd just say left breast and surrounds, so much easier.   I hope life is starting to slow down and I can recover, though it doesn't feel like it at the moment. Besides the burns and the dressings which I cant do until grandson goes to bed and it takes about half an hour to do then it all falls apart through the night, do it all again mid morning the next day and I have to keep re positioning it throughout the day.
don't know why but Apparently the side affects I have developed are uncommon, I'm just weird my voice is croaky and the heartburn and reflux is awful as for swallowing, it's liquids and mush in small amounts for me, till it stops hurting.  What is normal is, I'm pink red and brown, wrinkled and blistered from the voice box and shoulder down to under my boob and across from part of the right boob to the other side of my armpit.  The side effects of the chemo and surgery I hope will lessen with time, the numb feet and finger tips and the Lymphodema  who knows.
So far the Anastrozole has only given me the expected grief which I am learning to adapt to. Flushes, aches, mood swings,  headaches.
I will keep moving forward, I have done the optometrist and  replaced my glasses, started to sort the dental issues and now booked in for all the other regular health checks that got put on hold, by the time I catch up on all those it will be back to the start with a new one added.
I am trying to stay positive.  Maybe one day soon I will be right to go back to work but at this rate the tax season will be finished and my best income period will be over, the worst part of being a seasonal, that is if I haven't lost all my clients. 
I am going to book myself some me time to get back on here more often and see how everyone is fairing. 
Till next time


  • nonkyboy
    nonkyboy Member Posts: 188
    I'm just at the beginning of my journey cranky_granny but yours sounds exhausting. Good to hear that you are going to take some 'me' time as we all need some of that
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    Hi @nonkyboy
    I make my own life exhausting under normal conditions ( I am kinship carer to a 12 year old step grandson ) who keeps me on my toes along with all the other grandkids and step grandkids there is 22 altogether, have regular contact with 14  of them. so my life is fun to say the least.  let alone everthing else that is thrown my way in life.  at least I can't say life is boring can I
  • nonkyboy
    nonkyboy Member Posts: 188
    Cranky_granny you sound like me. I have share care of three of my step grand babies aged 1, 2 and 3. There are another 12 besides them and another on the way. They are with their other nanny until Monday morning after being here for the past week which is why I can be up so late lol. It's exhausting as they are all so young but they keep my mind off this cancer most of the time
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    @nonkyboy your right about kept my mind off  the cancer.  FACS were a great help and gave me extra support throughout  Hardest part has been dividing myself up between the grandkids  a lot of jealousy goes on among some of them. Its wonderful to be so popular (most of the time)  Its a challenge going back to parenting after 20 odd years.  But if I didn't take him it was a group home  I hardly knew him till at all and he comes with challenges. 
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    @cranky_granny, and @nonkyboy, both of encompass the true meaning of love and hopefully when these young ones are older they will see the selfless giving that you both provide so willingly. Cranky glad to see you back. Have you spoken to your onco about the reflux and have they provided you with tablets?? There should be some sort of medication that can assist you. I know that @primek has had experience in this area. Big hugs. Xx Cath
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    I hope your burns and reflux end soon. Then you can get the 12 yr old to give you a good grandma massage. <3

  • Chanel
    Chanel Member Posts: 72
    You are dealing with such a lot. I hope everything starts to heal and settle for you. Nexium is great for reflux and it's available at the chemist you don't need a script. Sending you love and hugs xxx
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    The only good thing about rads burns is they go away really quickly. Just when you are at the point where the oozing and burning and croaking is becoming All Too Much, it stops. I couldn't believe it.

    I've been left with cording and scarring and general lumpy misery in my armpit (to be fair, I did have a great chunk taken out with a total clearance and a local recurrence) but the burns literally resolved in about three days once they stopped getting worse.

  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    Thanks everyone 
    thing definitly like to change quickly
    ive stopped blistering and now just have a brown to dark brown tan.  now just to see the nigley aches pain and tiredness to go, though what cause each one??..  is it medication side effects.  neuropathy pain, or radiation hangover or the lymphodema, time will tell