Five year bc ladies

Romla Member Posts: 2,092
There is so much wonderful support and information on this site from those going thru bc treatment. Just wondering if those who have gotten past the 5 year milestone might occasionally check back in . It would be a bit of a beacon -that there is a light at the end of the tunnel thru the tough bits

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  • Jane221
    Jane221 Member Posts: 1,195
    Hi @Romla, I can certainly understand your request, as I know I looked for those posts from people who were years down the track when I was having treatment, and hoped one day I'd be one of them. Happily, I passed my 5yr anniversary of being diagnosed with breast cancer back in February and was signed off by my breast surgeon in May and am now just seeing my oncologist every 6 months. I must admit I don't check in as often to the general Network any more (although I am more involved in the Choosing Breast Reconstruction group), as, thankfully, life has become much less focused on medical appointments and I have regained some normality with work, family and other activities.

    Honestly, I am still coming to terms with my "new normal" as I do have some ongoing challenges as a result of treatment, but, overall, I am thankful for the days I have been given and have been so happy to see my children (who were 8yrs and 13yrs when I was diagnosed), blossom into the amazing young people that they are now.

    Keep in mind that there are more and more of us living longer and living well beyond breast cancer so please take heart and know that the odds are definitely in your favour. Best of luck with your treatment, it is a hard slog, and can feel like a never-ending journey, but you will get there and hopefully you'll be one of those encouraging others five or more years down the track. Jane xx

  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Thankyou Jane so much .It's knowing people like you have gotten thru and are living full happy lives helps a great deal.I am so pleased for you  and your family that you have reached the five year mark and been signed off. It's wonderful to have this site with all it's guidance and support from those on the journey with us but equally as valuable to know people like you who are melding back into everyday life wherein the medical stuff is in the background - 
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    I have been staggered how many women are diagnosed with bc and realised some of the women I see in the supermarket have been there - to see them doing normal stuff - chatting , laughing and just doing their weekly shop helps ground me - there have been and will be tough stuff but life goes on and so will I. Can't Thankyou enough for just being here
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    So glad to hear you have made the 5 year milestone and to have a post from you  - means a lot to know you and Jane have hung in there and  gotten thru . Had a wonderful lunch today with a local group of bc ladies - one who has been clear for 30 years . The one thing I took from it all was they are positive people - yes they have had their Wobblies but generally they are out there enjoying life even those currently undergoing treatment . Also I noted despite differences in age/ background etc there is this bond that transcends the differences - pretty special
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    Hi Romia, I've just passed 7 years since my bc recurrence or 14 years since my original bc diagnosis.Each time it was early bc so I was very lucky.I have some residual issues but am basically fine and enjoying life.I would never have thought I could go through bc treatments twice. But you do what you have to do and find the strength from somewhere  don't you. Love and hugs to all my pink sisters here.xx
  • Chris
    Chris Member Posts: 813
    Hi Roma, I too have passed my 5 year anniversary, in fact it is over 6 1/2 years since I was diagnosed. I had chemo, a double mastectomy, reconstruction and am still on medication, but I am well and enjoying life. I am currently taking Tamoxifen, having had just under 6 years of taking Femara. My bone density is not great anymore, so I have been taken off Femara and put back on Tamoxifen which is better for your bones. I still see my surgeon annually as well as my oncologist. This I am happy to do as I feel more confident having 2 check ups a year. I also have an ultrasound and bone density check each year. I do not spend much time thinking about BC anymore, which is why I only occasionally come to this site, though it does pop up at times, which I expect is pretty normal. I had a 21mm stage 2 grade 3 tumour that was ER+ and PR+. 
    Hang in there!  
    Chris xx
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Great to hear Tonya and Chris that you have made it thru and are enjoying life. It means a lot to know you are both doing well . It's been wonderful to have this site to chat to ladies undergoing treatment to support each other and also that you took the time to touch base again  to provide us with a beacon to follow.Thankyou
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    Hiya Romla, I am now 6 years post a second triple negative diagnosis.  I unfortunately had a recurrence 18mths after the first diagnosis.  it is almost 8 years since the first one.  I don't mean to scare you telling you about the recurrence, but to let you know that even if you have a recurrence, if you catch it early there is definitely a bright shining beacon at the end of all your treatment.  hang in there, it does get better.Paula xxxx

  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    edited July 2017
    5 years for me to , there are a few of us ladies who seem to have been on here forever, but seems like yesterday. It certainly changed me but l like the new me! ..adean xx

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