my journey has given me wisdom
I heard a quote when i was at school many years ago "dance like no one is watching and love like you have never been hurt" Through my diagnosis i now know what this truely means.
BCNA summit
I was lucky enough to be nominated by one of my support groups to attend last weeks BCNA summit. I had never been to one before and was more than a little over-awed on day 1. By day 2, I was more at ease and met some amazing women and guest speakers. I learnt an enormous amount, I laughed, sang,cried, created and danced!…
Who will fight for you best
As an oncology nurse could I just put it out there from the last session here at the BCNA Summit, there was a comment about the role of the Breast care nurse being able to challenge/re-educate the doctor's bedside manner: I would also like to let you know that any oncology trained nurse specialist should be able to do this…
The Beginning
Noooooo, I can't believe I just lost all I had written before it had posted........Aaarrgggggh!!!! Can I be bothered starting again - I'll try..... Although I have been a member here for a while I have resisted till now about introducing myself & fully utilising this site. I'll also give a brief rundown of when I was…
BCNA Summit 2011
Wow, I have finally been dragged into the 21st Century and I am writing my first blog.!!! Day 2 of the Summit,it is amazing. Yesterday was very informative and entertaining. This morning I cried 3 times before 9-30,mmm any hints for panda eyes? Shane Crawford is a legend and the women that I have met or as importantly,re…
Back online
Wow, so it's been ages since I've been online. Real life has absolutely gotten in the way, between juggling prac & studing my masters, working full-time and helping out flood-affected mates, it has been an absolutely crazy three months - I'm not exactly sure where the time has gone. So I'm hoping you're all well and…
Not the best photo but me at the moment
Hi all, This was taken on Saturday, a day after my hair fell out! Can't believe it came out so quickly. Thanks for all the great advice. I'm just glad I had short hair to begin with. Less of a shock. Your pink sister in arms, Al xx
Good news :)
Hi ladies, Well i had my 2nd cycle of chemo on Wednesday and it all went well like the 1st cycle, which is great specially as i have my 2 boys to look after. Hoping the rest of it goes as smoothly. Spoke to my Oncologist and looks like we may be able to wait until i'm 36 weeks pregnant til baby is induced, instead of 30…
Hey :-)
Hello all you lovely ladies, I hope I find you all coping well...It's been a while since I blogged so I just thought I'd let you all know how i've been travelling :o ) It is now day 12 post chemo and I must say I came out reasonably unscathed this time around and I still have all my hair which i'm suprised about but none…
Hi Girls, Here we are at last with our very own web page - thankyou BCNA. I look forward to this being a place where we can share experiences and information as well as making new connections. Sue
not a great picture but will get more on the weekend. leyla is in the hat and jade behind her. thanks for all the wonderful wishes.
keeping in touch
It feels like i have had this cancer thingy in me for like 12 months, time has been so dreadfully slow but now it's finally on the move. All that worry for nothing ( so far that is). Finally i have seen my surgeon yesterday ( Thursday) and am now booked in this Tuesday for a lumpectomy and sentinel node / axillary…
Hi there I'm Maureen and I am 65 yrs old and have been diagnosed with breast cancer, what a blow that was, as I have and still am healthy....I had a masectomy last Wednesday10th August...I was very fortunate all went well and i am staying Cyndi and Chris(daughter & son-in-law). I have an appointment with the surgeon next…
ready, steady ....
On the eve of bidding my DDs adieau, I find myself feeling a gamut of emotions; anxious to get the ball rolling, fear of pain, worry of not being able to reach my hair for boofing, concern for how Ian & Haidee will bare the weight of my illness… the list goes on. But I’m simultaneously & thankfully aware that the volume of…