Evening lovelies, I have been having a hard time lately with being empathetic with my friends and family over, what seems to me, such trivial problems. I understand everything is relative to whats going on in everyone’s world but I feel that this is causing a rift in between mine and my family and friends relationships and…
Bone aches
Well second chemo has not been as kind as chemo 1 but that was not surprise. Having a few different issues this time. I knew there would be bone pain but not sure what level is OK and what isn't. Panadol is keeping it under control but I'm not doing much. Any words of wisdom. Strange to not really know what 'normal'…
Job interview
Long story short. Hubby and I are back to square one financially. No assets due to losing the business due to me being unable to manage it, etc etc. I spoke to a friend older than me who had just lost everything due to different reasons and two years later they have bought a home. So here we go. On Monday we have an…
Hair loss
So it’s been 2 weeks to the day since my first chemo treatment. On Monday I noticed my hair has started to fall out and 2 days on and more and more hair is falling out. I was at my local shopping center today and I was going to get my head shaved but I found myself over whelmed and chicken out. Any tips on when or where I…
Shifting priorities
I am just past two years from BC. It is only now that everything has hit me so deeply. What I had, what happened to the before me, losing friends, so many things just falling away one by one. I feel so tearful and confused most days. I have seen a psychologist. I am exercising. I am back at work. And everything is going…
Try this app
I've been using an app called "Insight" for about 2 years now. It's free and available on iTunes and Google Play/android. It's a meditation/relaxation app. It has thousands of recordings covering a wide range of areas. It has new ones added every day. There are topics like sleep, stress, anxiety, relax, pain, mindfulness,…
Back on the bandwagon
Well today is my last day of freedom from letrozole as i go back on it from tomorrow after my 2 month holiday. For those who are contemplating a break from whichever drug and feel comfortable doing it (i am in the low risk category) i recommend it. Don't expect miracles after one week off cos they won't happen that quick.…
Is there something special about 3am. I had my first chemo on Monday and just starting to realise why I am on sick leave. Nothing serious just not me but I notice that 3am is becoming my friend, I sleep well, wake have a cuppa and something to eat and then read a bit and then back to bed for another couple of hours. A bit…
I was diagnosed last Friday and it has been a rush of appointments, tests etc. I think I am in shock and just going through the process but the reality is that I will start chemo next week. I have been reading the advice in the paperwork I have. There is only me but I am well supported by friends. Are there some day to day…
Many Happies, Brenda5!!!
Many Happies, @Brenda5 - I hope you are being treated royally well & taken out for a lovely dinner!! I hope you got into some fish & got some 'fishy pressies'! They should know your passions by now!! ;) I head to Darwin next week & hope to catch a barra on your behalf ...... don't hold your breath tho! LOL It will be fun…
Groups Pop into groups reminder
hi Community please drop into any groups you belong to and see if you can help new members to answer their questions and give reassurance etc... http://onlinenetwork.bcna.org.au/group/1-choosing-breast-reconstruction http://onlinenetwork.bcna.org.au/group/3-christians-diagnosed-with-breast-cancer…
All the Melbourne ladies & visitors .........'Party time " ??
Well after the chat about catching up at a "virtual party" I thought we may actually organize a real catch up !! Please let me know your thoughts as I'm more than happy to organize a get together. As I'm in Melbourne that's where it will be ,but would love to meet anyone else if they are visiting . Happy to catch up any…
Ladies in Singapore?
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed just this past Thursday. I am Australian, working in Amsterdam but in Singapore with some family challenges when I found a lump. I had a biopsy on the lump on the left and mammotome biopsy on calcifications on the right. The lump is stage 1 invasive dictate carcinoma, right side thankfully ok.…
Ah, the joy of little lumps! The one removed last week turns out be a seborrheic keratosis. Important words are benign and harmless. I am getting a collection, two neurofibromas (one removed along with my breast just in case it was a skin cancer) and a schwannoma, still in situ as it’s as harmless as the rest but no-one…
Hormone therapy, is it worth it webcast
@kmakm Way to go , Kate! You were awesome! And thanks for having my drug holiday question featured too. I am doing a diary for it but had not contemplated continuing it after resuming the drug but now i shall, good idea. There was so much info that i will have to watch it again if i can figure out how to do it!…