
Member Posts: 4,473 ✭
Ah, the joy of little lumps! The one removed last week turns out be a seborrheic keratosis. Important words are benign and harmless. I am getting a collection, two neurofibromas (one removed along with my breast just in case it was a skin cancer) and a schwannoma, still in situ as it’s as harmless as the rest but no-one really wants to dig in the nerves of my other armpit! Daughter still leading this little competition with a dermoid cyst - complete with blonde hair and teeth bits! Any more tales of the benign but odd?
No, but as a nurse I've definitely heard of dermoid cysts like your daughter had0
Seriously strange. Her doctor commented on the blonde hair as my daughter is a brunette, but she was blonde as a baby! Odd little parcel of leftovers in the body, a bit like owl droppings!!0
Very strange, but that's exactly what they are.... parcels of leftovers that somehow remain in the body, contained in one spot0
I saw a couple of very large dermoid cysts when I worked in Histology. I used to enjoy going into the laboratory to see all of the bits and pieces from operation.1
Fascinating! Nothing out of the ordinary here, just the odd wart and skin tag. A starter melanoma once. Ooh no, I've just remembered, I had a mucinous cyst removed from my vag after my son was born. The surgeon said it was quite unusual!0
I had a sebhorreic keratosis off my back about 5 years ago. Reminds me I really need to get a skin check whilst I'm so hairless 😂😂0
@youngdogmum Yes it is! My dermatologist had said to ask my hairdresser to keep an eye out for any moles on my head. This was after I'd had my mammogram but before I received the callback letter. A year later, I was able to inform him with 100% confidence that there was nothing suspicious under my hair (except perhaps my brain...).0