Night Howls



  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @kmakm that sounds horrible. Maybe u are coming down with a bug??  Hope u feel better soon xo
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Kiwi Angel Thanks hon xox
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,525
    @kmakm 💕💕 Take it easy and try to zone out. I get the occasional migraine and the effects stick around for a couple days unless you catch it early. Amazing how we find out about the side effects after the event.
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    Take care of yourself @kmakm this letrozole just keeps giving. My joints are are really aching on this bloody drug.  Really have to think of whether to keep taking it as am only 1 % hormone affected, then I keep thinking of Sisters comment about 1000 people in a room.  Onc says I am basically triple negative but obviously thinks 1 % is worth it so on with the femara.    Agree with soldier crab about the fluids though, just keep drinking.   I've only ever had a migraine once in my life and really feel for those people who get it on a regular basis.   Totally weird about the dreams though.   xo
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Never under estimate the effects of hot weather and low pressure. Quite diabolical in combination.
    You may not think that atmospheric pressure would have a big impact on you, but it does. That's without considering the shitfry that is southern Australia at the moment.
     The current combo is a migraine waiting to happen, and that is in no way discounting other causes. Im strangely energised before dawn, now I'm lying on the couch feeling like shit and my feet are twice their normal size. Expanding into the atmosphere, apparently.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,433
    @ktikatb and @kmakm
    I suffer from Migraines OMG I hate them.... 
    nightmare/dreams I had lots of after treatment finished and I found them nightmarish and my kids would tell me you've been crying in your sleep again 9/10 nights for about 12 - 18 months after treatment.... 

    Zoffiel I hear you if only I could call my clients at 3am I would be on top of my workload ...... hahaha don't think they would appreciate calls then.... 
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,525
    @SoldierCrab I was only getting migraines once a year but that was enough. I got all the auras with them, tunnel vision, red spots, blurry, feeling my hands were disconnected. I have since increased my water intake and avoid blinking or flashing lights including bulbs on their way out. They were my triggers. The last migraine was chemo induced. The one before that was because of a failing fluoro bulb that kept blinking. SOMETIMES migraines have triggers. The trick is to find out IF yours has and what it is. I certainly know how you feel. hopefully this weather doesn’t set one off for you.
  • Patti J
    Patti J Member, Dragonfly Posts: 589
    Chemo. induced menopause stopped my migraines. I used to get them every month. They were hormone related. I have had a number of migraines where I  only had peripheral vision. 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Low pressure events have always given me headaches, so could that have been a contributing factor. Yep, feeling pretty washed out now. Taking it easy and hope that I can start fresh tomorrow. Need my strength for that as it's the next check up with my breast surgeon. The CHEK2 conversations begin.
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Patti J I was the same - monthly dreadful headaches. Haven't had one since menopause except one fairly mild one late in chemo.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,229
    I am the same as you @kitkatb  - just the 1% decrease in likelihood of a recurrence ... and am seriously wondering whether it is worth the pain to be honest.  

    Letrozole had my hand/thumb pain in absolute AGONY inside of 6 weeks.  I changed to Exemestane - and have been on it now for 6 months.  In the last month, it has ALSO reached the extreme pain levels that Letrozole had reached earlier.

    Just saw the GP today - it is NOT Carpal Tunnel.  She has given me some Prednisone caps so that I can take them in the lead up to my big Uke Performance at the Uke Festival in early Feb (currently my left hand seizes up every morning & I can't bend my fingers - and I NEED these fingers to work as the leader of the Uke group!)

    I have had arthritis in my hands for the last 20-30 years, so already have a relatively high 'tolerance level' but this pain has transcended this pain level BIG TIME!!    :(     I will see how the prednisone goes to get me thru the Uke Festival .... but you aren't able to take it longterm anyway ....... 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @arpie Given how important the ukelele is to you, I'm not surprised that 1% is exercising your mind somewhat. Big hug, K xox
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,781
    Here's hoping the prednisolone works a treat!  The Uke Festival sounds like a hoot and something to work towards!
    Take care
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Fingers crossed (get it) @arpie that the drugs work well.

    @kmakm I get the occasional almost-migraine and they suck.  Atmospheric pressure and neck problems generally contribute.  I come from a long line of migraine sufferers and my eldest daughter started getting them after her periods started so I'm sure there's a hormone thing happening there, too.  Hope you're feeling better this morning.

    I think Night Howls may possibly be getting some new dingoes as I noticed there's some newbies having trouble with the sleep thing.  

    Oh well, I'd better get off now, hang the washing out and get ready for work - I don't really feel like driving down to town through the packs of Tour Down Under wannabes - must have passed over 200 of them on the main route down yesterday.  Luckily I was going in the opposite direction.  Not so lucky for those people trying to come up to the Hills who are just trying to work.  All congrats to those who are fit enough to ride their bikes up here but so many seem to forget that they're on public roads and that others need to use them, too.  Bitch, whinge, moan...
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,460
    Have had very little sleep - not sweats, pains etc just klutz cat on roof at 3am wailing for assistance. Neuropathied feet, vertigo and general tiredness not in favour of getting up a ladder at that hour (husband in Perth). Plan to coopt kind neighbour at civilised hour - too warm to leave him there during day. However cat at back door at 6am. Perhaps lesson learned? Now go to work!!