Taking control of your diagnosis
Recently I was diagnosed with BC along with all the other lovely women on this forum and I guess felt the same shock and horror as every one else too! Four months on and following a lumpectomy which was not at all a bad experience I feel great, after a recent pet scan revealed no cancer in the lymph nodes ( as I had opted…
how to stay positive
Hi, I just found out 2 days ago I have breast cancer. I'm 39yo & have 2 kids who are 4 & 1yo. Haven't seen a breast specialist yet, so I have no idea how bad things are. I'm terrified for my kids & feeling very alone. I'm normally pretty tough, but today for the first time ever I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed for…
I've offended my in-laws
Hi I was diagnosed 6 days before Christmas. I'm 33 and have 2 daughters aged 3 and 6. When I told my parents and sister the news, they all came to visit to be with me so unexpectedly, we ended up hosting Christmas celebrations at my house. It's taken all the energy I have to get out of bed (early) each day with a smile on…
What happened to my life?
Hi to all...new member here. In August, I was newly diagnosed with scleroderma and was admitted to hospital for a range of tests to ascertain the level of internal involvement. A chest CT scan showed that I had cancer in my left breast, and then the real party started. Biopsies, mammograms. bone scans and so on and on.…
Always Worried
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 HER 2+ Breast Cancer with 17/18 Lymph Node positive on my 40th Birthday in October. I have since had a Total Mastectomy and Axillary Dissection. I have undergone 4 cycles of AC and am currently about to have my 3rd cycle of Taxol with Herceptin every 3 weeks. I have 2 beautiful…
Feel like my head is spinning
Hi, I've been newly diagnosed on 20/12 too. am feeling very overwhelmed too. my head is spinning See the surgeon on Saturday part of me wants to get it over as quick as possible and part of me wants to forget it ever happened
Second time round. . .
Hi Everyone, Well the wends before Christmas i found out i have breast cancer for the second time sitting there in such shock i told my doctor thank you and walked out of his room... On the way home it hit my husband who crumbled in my arms, telling my family was hard as i didn't want to ruin Christmas, everyone was sad…
But I'm only 31...
January 2016 I found a breast lump but I just shrugged it off, most of my friends had them, no big deal right? Being in the medical industry I knew I had to do the responsible thing so I went to get an ultrasound which showed a query cyst like structure. I didn't think anything of it, the size of the lump would go up and…
well 22/12/2016 is a day I'm not going to forget in a hurry. My partner and I where both called back for checks on 19/12 same day at breast screen. Sitting quietly in waiting room together and going thru all the follow ups, more scans and biopsy was a wee bit scary. Toni had hers all finished and all good to go then it was…
Post radiation question
Dear All, I was diagnosed with breast cancer September 2016 and I completed all my treatment including radiation 6th December. I'm in a remote area so had to go away for radiation and wasn't assigned a specific nurse so I've just muddled along. Since radiation finished my nipple split and I got an infection which has now…
public system or private health insurance?
I am 55 and just got diagnosed with high grade DCIS (2 lesions, one with focus suspicions for micro invasions, lymph node U/S FNA - Negative). the hospital gave me a referral for their breast surgeon for mid December but also notified my doctor. My doctor called me and asked me to come in for a chat and she wants me to go…
Lumpy after lumpectomy
hey ladies- im new here. Diagnosed 30th sept. Triple positive. Lumpectomy 13th oct. im 33. My left breast where i had the surgery is still lumpy as anything. My breast care nurses have told me its post op healing still so its normal. The lumps are hard in some spots, my full body scan post chemo gave me the all clear on…
Not Yet Diagnosed
Good morning everyone. I do hope this is acceptable to ask but I am not sure where to put this. I have not been diagnosed nor have I seen my doctor yet. For the last 3 weeks the area just below my armpit has been swollen, not a hard little lump but more like you cupped your hand type swelling. I have been taking daily…
Treatment plan
Hello again, here is my treatment plan and seems like it is pretty standard for stage 2b er+Her2+ And cancer in 1/16 lympth nodes and 1/1 intrammary node. AC 3 weekly x 4; Paclitaxel weekly for 12 weeks + herceptin three weekly (continue for 12 months); radiotherapy for 6 weeks then tablets for Er+ for 5-10 years. To say…
New Diagnosis
Hi Everyone, Just wanted to say hello. I have been diagnosed this week with early stage breast cancer - invasive lobular carcinoma. It's been a scary week going from a slightly inverted nipple to rushed tests here and there to having cancer. Going in for surgery for removal on Monday and then will be looking at radiation…