Lumpy after lumpectomy

Beckyw Member Posts: 21
hey ladies- im new here. 
Diagnosed 30th sept. Triple positive. Lumpectomy 13th oct. im 33. 
My left breast where i had the surgery is still lumpy as anything. My breast care nurses have told me its post op healing still so its normal. The lumps are hard in some spots, my full body scan post chemo gave me the all clear on cancer (i had micromets in a lymph)  Im 3/4 through AC chemo at the moment. 
I'm being a little anxious. Some reassurance would be helpful. Or any tips on how to help massage the lumps out?? 


  • Mira
    Mira Member Posts: 678
    Its normal to be a bit lumpy after the op Becky, if the nurses have said its okay I would listen to them.   My surgeon put a tumour marker in the spot where my cancer was, that feels like a hard lump so I would be careful about massaging unless you have been told its okay.
  • Karenhappyquilter
    Karenhappyquilter Member Posts: 242
    Mine was also lumpy after surgery, some of it was scar tissue.  I suggest talking to your oncologist about it.  I also asked my gp to examine me at one stage.  She felt my breast and said all was well.  Most reassuring.  It never hurts to ask.  It's natural to worry.  Asking often results in you being reassured.  bets of luck with your treatment. 
  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499
    Hey Becky, welcome to the forums!

    That is totally normal, and I mean absolutely and totally normal.

    I was encouraged by my surgeon to gently massage my breast to stop the scar tissue from becoming a dense lump.

    Nearly a year on and my breast tissue is still sore (although that also has to do with radiotherapy) and the texture is forever changed. I had similar concerns over particularly hard and painful areas that turned out to be harmless cysts.

    I hope that's reassuring :heart:
  • Beckyw
    Beckyw Member Posts: 21
    Thanx chick yes that does make me feel better thankyou! X
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @Beckyw I have to agree with all the other ladies. Unfortunately it is incredibly normal! I had my first lumpectomy in 2011 and radiation. I then had a recurrence in 2015 and another major lumpectomy and Chemo. I have a massive lump and scar tissue and even 5yrs on its so very sore. I really hope it changes for you somehow, or at least eases a little. Hugs Melinda xo
  • Tracey62
    Tracey62 Member Posts: 298
    Hi Becky, like the other ladies say massage works well and lumps are normal. I used Bio oil to massage and now 18mths after surgery the scar can hardly be seen ( 8 inches long, but faded really well). Just one other suggestion, I wore the post op bra for months after lumpectomy. The firm support really helped reduce the swelling and aches. Not sure if you are having any ongoing treatment but be aware, both chemo and radiation tend to flare up the swelling and lumps. My Onc has patiently scanned each new lump I find, good news so far.  Great news that your body scan was all clear xx