Not Yet Diagnosed
Member Posts: 2
Good morning everyone. I do hope this is acceptable to ask but I am not sure where to put this. I have not been diagnosed nor have I seen my doctor yet. For the last 3 weeks the area just below my armpit has been swollen, not a hard little lump but more like you cupped your hand type swelling. I have been taking daily photos and watching. I do have deep tenderness in that area as well as a couple areas on my breast although I do not feel anything. I called Breast Screen Qld but because I mentioned these symptoms I cannot come in for the free scan first (I am 50), that I have to see my doc in case he wants to order scans. Would this be just an infection or something I should see my doctor about. I am not losing weight or any other symptoms.
Please do go and see your doctor soon. It may just be an infection but in any event, the sooner seen, the sooner treated. Not every one finds a lump (I didn't). Best wishes.1
Hey KRM, I'd go to your doctor and get it checked out. If its under your arm it could be something as simple as an ingrown hair. Keep in mind that most lumps aren't cancer. Get it checked out for your own peace of mind, if it is cancerous its better to not leave it.1
KRM Id definitely go to the docs and get it checked out. Have you ever had a mammogram? Sounds like it would just be a great idea to do it and get it out the way. Let us know how you go!! Remember it is peace of mind to just know! Hugs Melinda xo1
Thank you ladies. I had a mammogram about 10 years ago which was clear. I will make an appointment with my doctor for next week and keep you posted.2
If you can't get into your GP for some time go to the Emergency Dept at the hospital. I had to when diagnosed as it was this time of year and they got me an urgent ultrasound.0