Member Posts: 25 ✭
well 22/12/2016 is a day I'm not going to forget in a hurry. My partner and I where both called back for checks on 19/12 same day at breast screen. Sitting quietly in waiting room together and going thru all the follow ups, more scans and biopsy was a wee bit scary. Toni had hers all finished and all good to go then it was my turn. I was the last one in the waiting room feeling a little lost. Had my biopsy and set to go. The next 3 days couldn't come quick enough to get the results. Toni was first and phew all clear so tag team and she had to race back to our business and I headed in for my results. I'm only 48 all should be fine, hmm well I'm sorry Nadine but your results show you have breast cancer. Merry f*##ing Christmas. I have never felt so overwhelmed and scared at the same time. The staff at breast screen where fantastic and the whirlwind started of drs appointments etc. I will be seeing my surgeon on Thursday and trying to take this one step at a time. Trying to stay positive is hard but I'm getting there. Having support is the best and reading other stories has helped me settle my mind.
Welcome @Nads . How awful for you. Yes the beginning is such a whirlwind and the fears are just awful. I don't think I slept for weeks. Once you see the surgeon the planning begins. Hope all goes well for you and we are here to listen, help and do anything we can. Kath.1
Hi Nads
BC is not the place you want to be but this is a helpful site with lots of people happy to share their experiences. Most of us find the waiting the worst, it's a bit easier when we know what we are facing and what our medical advisers are proposing. One step at a time is a very good approach, you can waste a lot of energy worrying and planning about things that don't happen, and conserving your energy for the next step is an important strategy for getting through it all! Best wishes for your appointment on Thursday.1 -
Hello Nads, welcome to the forum, so sorry for your news. Nothing can quite prepare us for that can it. You will find a huge amount of support and information here. The thing is, we have all been where you are and we get it. We are here to listen when you need to vent or have questions. You are right - it does feel like a whirlwind at first and there is so much to take in.
keep a notebook and jot down all the questions you think of (there are NO stupid questions0 -
Sorry, using my iPhone and lost half of my post (again ....)
It's easy to forget to ask something during the appointment with so much information coming at you!
You will feel more in control after Thursday when you'll have a better understanding of your type of cancer and initial treatment plan.
Many of our ladies will have had similar treatment and will be happy to share their experiences with you.
I hope the next couple of days goes quickly for you. All the best for Thursday, let us know how you go. We are all here for you. Jane x0 -
It sounds like you're coping really well! Awesome! Have you got your hands on the My Journey Kit? If not, it's a really worthwhile free resource BCNA will send out to you if you'd like it.0
Hello Nads, I just wanted to jump in to say hello and welcome you to the online network and to let you know that if you need any help in the online network to please just let me know. As Ink petal mentioned, When you can, you might like to have a look at The My Journey Kit which contains information, a journal, and other helpful resources. It's free and you can order it online with the link ink petal provided just above
If you need any help online, connecting with other members or finding support, please just get in touch.
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Hi Nads, Welcome. Good luck with your appointment tomorrow. Once you have your surgery date you can start getting things ready in preparation. I don't know what type of business you have but when you find out if you come back on here there will be ladies who have had the same surgery and they can let you know what to expect recovery wise - might help with planning for the business. I know that for me work was a great coping mechanism and allowed me to concentrate on something other than the impending treatment. Let us know how you are going. Xx Cath1
@Nads So sorry to hear of your news, and right on Christmas is tough on many levels, everything being shut or on hold adding to the panic and anxiety. I think youre doing the best thing, in that you are taking a step back and a deep breath and so importantly is One Step At A Time. Things are incredibly overwhelming at the point you are and we all know how hard it is. Its hard right now as until you have your surgery you won't have your pathology, and once you have that you will know exactly what you have and what your treatment will be. I think knowing is half the battle and helps you deal with each step. Hang in there. Hugs Melinda xo1
Thank you all for your support. I have order my kit but just waiting for it to arrive. Keeping busy at work helps me take my mind off everything but quiet times at night are the killer lol Once again THANKYOU everyone I will update soon1
Hi Nads. I live in the country so was not able to access as much support. The McGrath foundation nurses came t o my rescue filling in all the gaps on procedures and supporting me throughout. They are amazing and make everything so much easier. Your surgeon should refer one to you.
Is overwhelming at first but the people working and helping within the cancer industry are so kind and compassionate they make it all a whole lot better.
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Welcome to the site nights were difficult for me as well. I would go to bed and lie there and my brain wouldn't turn off. One day at a time once you get some sort of plan it helps, visit often0
Hi Nadine. So sorry about your diagnosis and that you find yourself here. What a bloody awful coincidence that I too am named Nadine (Nads to my mates from school who always delighted in yelling out Go Nads! and Nadi to my family). I too am 48 (you don't happen to be a Leo as well, do you?). And I too was totally bloody shocked when I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the end of 2015. No family history at all. The first few weeks are the hardest. It is such a whirlwind. But it does settle down. If possible it would be great to have Toni go with you to appointments. Having a second set of ears really helps as sometimes you get so lost in all the information that gets thrown at you that you don't take stuff in or you forget stuff. I really wish you all the best with your upcoming appointments. Sending strength to Toni as well because I know how hard it can be on our partners. Come on here anytime you want. I am a night owl and I am always surprised to see others online in the wee hours of the morning, so if you need to reach out during those times, do. We are here for you.
Sending hugs
Nadi2 -
Hi Nadine, I'm new to the site too as I only joined today. I'm also considered remote like Tracey (although I live in a town)and had to go away for 4 weeks of radiation treatment. I didn't get assigned a specific nurse and therein lies my (still existing) problem. My main advice is to get one of the specialist/oncologists to nominate a nurse you can turn to for advice, rather than be in my position where I'm not sure who to ask what of.0
Hi Marvin - the McGrath Foundation has an area within their website where you put in your postcode and hopefully it will give you a contact of a nurse in your area otherwise there is a number to ring
Hope that helps
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Thanks, I've just done that and my nearest McGrath nurse is 1 1/2 hours drive south, but I have a telephone number so I'll call her and see if she'll answer my questions.0