Another newbie!
Hey guys! I am brand new at BCNA- I joined the wonderful and enthusiastic Marketing team in May. So far I have been truly impressed by the motivation of everyone in our office, all working hard for a good cause, but always with a smile :) Firstly some background about me- I’m a country bumpkin from regional Victoria. I…
Contemplating 7
Just wanted to share with you, who know what I am talking about, that today is the seventh anniversary of my diagnosis and I am teary, sad, contemplative, thankful and many other emotions! I remember the day in every minute detail as if it were yesterday. I have come a long way since and made many new friends and sadly…
TCH and constipation
Hi everyone. This is my first blog, though I have refered to this great service before today. I have just finished my 2nd round of THC and, though better than the first round when I ended up in hospital with super low white blood cell count (injected myself this time with neurolasta) I became very constipated for the first…
Day 2
Yesterday, I was told I had invasive ductal carcinoma. Today, to the surgeon where the options were to have a lumpectomy or my breast removed. Decisions,decisions.... still really in shock, it doesn't feel like it is happening to me, for goodness sake, I haven't ever had even an incision or stitches and now these life…
new to blogs
Well I am new to this blog, but will give it a go. Things are happening fast - last week had Mammogram and Breast Ultrasound, and they did a core biopsy as well. Suspicious area shown, treating as breast cancer. Now to see Surgeon in a day or so to find out when the surgery is to happen.
Alexie My Breast Cancer Journey
I am 39 and was diagnosed with Breast Cancer last May. I was 38 April last year I noticed a lump behind my nipple about the size of a large apricot I thought it was an inflamed gland. I discussed it with a friend, she said she had something similar and her GP said it would go down in a couple of weeks. So I forgot about…
My Journey Kit
I just got to say I'm so excited about receiving My Journy Kit today. What a wonderful useful gift!! Even though It's early days for me and I feel like I have information overload. Any question I might have, there seems to be an answer in all the information I have been given over the last week. I have a core biopsy…
has anyone out there experienced probs with relationships since treatment etc.
New to this!
Im new to this, not really sure what to do. I guess i'll just go through the jist of my story. I was diagnosed this year with Breast Cancer.. I have a very unsupportive family and when i told them, the response i got was "I hope you don't expect us to pay for it" fortunetly i have an amazing fiance, Michael (Mo for short)…
newly diagnosed
Hi This is my first blog. Just newly diagnosed with breast cancer. Had my lumpectomy 12 days ago still waiting on a pathology result which will determine if I have to have chemo once a month for 6 months. Find out on Wednesday (More waiting!!!) Here's hoping :)
First Post
Hi Everyone Im new to the network. I received a diagnosis on May 4th and am having surgery (breast excision) next week. Its been a roller coaster ride with more thrills and spills to come Im sure! I have also experienced this as a polarising event-with others responding in their own ways . Im not new to shock and trauma as…