TCH and constipation

Rhonda G
Rhonda G Member Posts: 3
edited November 2016 in Newly diagnosed

Hi everyone.

This is my first blog, though I  have refered to this great service before today. I have just finished my 2nd round of THC and, though better than the first round when I ended up in hospital with super low white blood cell count (injected myself this time with neurolasta) I became very constipated for the first 3 to 4 days. I drank lots of water, ate fruit and bran and everything that would normally ensure an easy movement but still ended in a mess. Has anyone else experienced this? Maybe I should come straight home from chemo and take some coloxyl straight away??  Oh well, only 4 of these to go, then radiation and the herceptin for the 12 months. I'm sure to sort it by the end!! Thanks for any suggestions. Rhonda G



  • Sarah 51
    Sarah 51 Member Posts: 303
    edited March 2015

    Hi Rhonda

    I am putting on my nurse's hat here, I normally work on a ward where we deal with a lot of constipation and the dietician recommends Pear juice as the best laxative. I would also recommend kiwi fruit . As Tonya mentioned coloxyl is a little harsh.I had terrible constipation after my first chemo due to the anti nausea drugs but only the once it was diarhoea all the way after that not sure which I would prefer ! Fluid intake is important and of course exercise. No matter how bad I felt I always took the dog for a little stroll. I had neulastia like you and the walking helped those terrible aches and pains you get from the jab.

    Good luck


  • Rhonda G
    Rhonda G Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2015

    Thank you Tonya for your advice. I will get some nulax a nd senakot and add different juices. Yes, I certainly don't want to end up in hospital again. Next chemo will be better!!


    Rhonda G xx

  • Rhonda G
    Rhonda G Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sarah

    Thank you for putting on your nurse's hat. I hope pear juice will help to ease the problem. I will also change to nulax and sennakot and continue with lots of water and gentle exercise. I'm sure next round will be much better thanks to your help.

    Rhonda G xx