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Wishing @Lisa50 a very happy Birthday for 14 September!
It's @Lisa50 birthday today Wishing you a very happy Birthday - have a lovely day <3
Happy Birthday wishes to @May20019 for today 12 September xox
Wishing @May20019 very big Happy Birthday I hope that you have a wonderful day Best wishes <3
Happy Birthday wishes to @Charlie2019 for today 11th September
Wishing @Charlie2019 very happy birthday wishes for today I hope that you have a lovely day filled with laughter and cake :)
Happy birthday wishes to @louweezer for today 10th September xx
Wising @Louweezer a wonderful birthday for today <3
Great Big Happy Birthday wishes to @Mazoz, @mum2jj, @afraser and @Tasneem for the 5th September
Dear @Mazoz, @mum2jj, @afraser and @Tasneem Wishing you all the happiest of Birthdays filled with happy celebrations and lots of cake Have a lovely day <3
Wishing @Cynth6 a very Happy Birthday for today!
Dear @Cynth6 Wishing you a very happy Birthday for today I hope that you have a wonderful day Best wishes <3 <3
I had DCIS removed this month last year. Only lump removed can any one tell me if I should be able to feel where it is stitched inside. I know I have a small void.
Pain on scar 9 months after mastectomy.
I had a msterctomy (right boob) last year in November and they also removed 2 nodes to chech if it had spread. The surgery went well and the cancer had not spread. About 2 weeks ago I started getting pain around the scar tissue. It feels like tightening of 'mucles' around the scar and I get shooting pains on the incision…
Wishing @odyssey a very Happy Birthday for today 3rd September
Very Happy Birthday wishes to @odyssey - have a great day :)
Haiku challenge. Your day in three lines 7-5-7
Eclipse as light becomes dark Metaphor for change The crickets stop then sing again.
Happy Birthday wishes to @AnnieC for 27th August !
Happy Birthday wishes to @Annie C Have a great day! <3
Recently diagnosed and now contemplating double mastectomy. Would really appreciate your thoughts..
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Big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to @AnnieC for August 27th
Wishing @Annie C a HUGE HAPPY BIRTHDAY today! I hope hubby spoils you all day long! Enjoy a lovely warm day up in the Kimberley - and think of us freezing down here!!! Have a vino on me! ;) or two! Twinee xxx
Hi, I'm Barbara. I started my BC journey on 7th May. I had a lumpectomy for the removal of 44mm lump with 5 satellites on 4th June and then a further anxcillery clearance on 16th June. 9 of 15 lymph nodes were cancerous. Have started the chemo journey and I will finish off December or January with Radiation therapy. I had…
Hi all, my next lot of treatments are Paclitaxel when I am well enough to start, and would like to know from anybody that has gone through this one or going through, helpful hints on side effects, recommendations on how to handle myself through these treatments as I am rather concerned , as my body was only able to handle…