Pain on scar 9 months after mastectomy.

Blessed72 Member Posts: 16
edited September 2020 in General discussion
I had a msterctomy (right boob) last year in November and they also removed 2 nodes to chech if it had spread.

The surgery went well and the cancer had not spread.

About 2 weeks ago I started getting pain around the scar tissue. It feels like tightening of 'mucles' around the scar and I get shooting pains on the incision site...

I ve been to the gp, ultasounds done and nothing alarming came up.

I have also started experiencing severe hot flushes where I break into a sweat after a hot flush. I am not on any medication except tramadol for pain.

Has anyone experienced this?

Obviously there is a change in hormone levels, which would explain the hotflushes but not sure if the pain on the scar is related... ***sigh***


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,460
    It may be just scar tissue tightening, I get it from time to time and I am eight years past surgery! My lymphoedema therapist recommends stretching and that usually fixes it. The tightening of the scar tissue may well pull on some muscles, which describes what you are feeling. Stretching my arm backwards at right angles and then across my chest to the other side a few times (gently) helps release the tight feeling. Always wise to check and you have done that, but if stretching doesn’t help may be worth another chat with your surgeon. Best wishes.
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,525
    I am two years post surgery and I started getting a severe tightening feeling on my mx side about four months ago. I now massage under the shower as I stretch. This has helped heaps. My Onco says it is all normal.
  • Blessed72
    Blessed72 Member Posts: 16
    thanks @Afraser and @Blossom1961.... it's comforting to know that I am not imagining things.

    Will definitely start stretching and hope to get some relief from that.

    thanks again ladies!
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,782
    Perhaps this link may help to know it's not an unusual situation
  • Blessed72
    Blessed72 Member Posts: 16