Happy birthday @chanel67
To dear @chanel67 wishing you a very happy birthday!
Happy birthday to @Ren153
Happy birthday wishes to @Ren153 Many happy returns 💕
New diagnosis
Hello everyone, I've been diagnosed with breast cancer and also liver secondary, I'm so sad and devastated. What can I do?
Happy birthday dear @FayeLW for today
To dear @FayeLW I hope that you have a very happy birthday if the sky is not a fine one, I hope that you have a sunny happy day Best wishes xx
Delayed birthday wishes
Hello all Here in North Eastern NSW we have had no phone, mobile or internet/wifi for a week - back today though So my apologies for the two belated birthday messages that I will post today <3 We are high and dry here so far better off than many thousands that live near by us. For any of those BCNA members who have been…
Welcome New Members - 11th March 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @Shakespeare @Meka @MokeyMeow @Suze51 @Sheeba @Patch120 @Blace @SugarBear @Hopeful1 @Charmaine_69 @Klea72 @JenG @cdj @Karen1512 You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can…
Post Surgery Bra
Hi, I bought 2 Hestia post surgery bra’s from BIgW and I don’t find them as comfortable as the ones I brought from Target. 1 hasn’t been removed from the bigw bag and the other I wore for less than an hour. Size is 22c if anyone would like like them please message me. I will happily organise postage.
Sweet Cravings
Evening everyone, just wanted to check if anyone else has experienced this. I'm up to my 11th Taxol treatment, one more to go. No major side effects fortunately. I also receive Herceptin every 3 weeks and this will continue after chemo finishes. This last week I can't get enough sugar in my diet. I have always exercised…
Welcome New Members - 4th March 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @Erimentha @Marms @Kate07 @Mez_02 @Ellieksc @Chantelle82 @Leuser @Thunderbird @Kylou @KNP05 @png_shan You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can engage with generous members…
Belated birthday wishes to @kayvie, we hope that you had a wonderful day xox
Dear @kayvie have a very happy birthday today Best wishes xox
Birthday wishes to @Cowgirl1 for 8th March
Wishing you the happiest of birthday's @Cowgirl1 May your birthday be filled with joy and that you have a celebration with those dearest to you xx
8th March is @kabash birthday!
Big birthday wishes for today to @kabash Wishing you a wonderful birthday <3
Happy Birthday wishes to @MelissaD for 4th March
To dear @MelissaD I hope that you have a very happy birthday - that it was filled with joy and happiness best wishes xx
Happy birthday wishes to @YellowRobin for 5th March
To dear @YellowRobin I hope that you had a very happy Birthday <3 filled with laughter and lots of cake! Best wishes xx
Happy birthday wishes to @kayview
Dear @kayview have a very happy birthday today Best wishes xox