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Discussion List
Wanted to say hello
HI new to group I know I will need your help soon. just been told I’ve got DCIS high grade just waiting to see specialist on Friday to see what my options are. Scary to get my head round. Thanks .
Welcome New Members - 28th April 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @AngelaJS @EllenW @Judith_S @Marycipk @JessG @HerSister @Judith_S @Miffy1975 @Meli @ozmiriam @Dials_Mavis @Charmed64 @1_day_at_a_time @AZ79 @SisterLove @Natuls @Jac65 @akdickson @kedron @Pommy8 @MGello You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s…
Happy Birthday wishes for 23 April @strongtogether
Happy Birthday wishes to you for today @strongtogether I hope that you enjoy your day
Ballarat Information Forum and Breakfast
Hello everyone, BCNA will be in Ballarat on Thursday 26 May to host a breakfast for people living with metastatic breast cancer and an Information Forum for people with early breast cancer. If you're local to the surrounding area, we would love to see you there! Please click here to access further information and register…
Happy Birthday wishes for 26 April @Yas85
Big Birthday wishes to @Yas85 for today Have a great day xox
Happy Birthday wishes for 23 April @Caravan_Grandma
Wishing you a very happy Birthday @Caravan_Grandma
Happy Birthday wishes for 24 April @Sylva
Wishing you a very happy birthday @Sylva I hope that you have a lovely day
Disappointed to see BCNA taking a political stance supporting Josh Frydenberg in Kooyong. I don’t believe BCNA speaks for all members .
Happy Birthday wishes for 21 April @Blondy
Fabulous Birthday wishes to you for today @Blondy Have a great day!
Welcome New Members - 20th April 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past fortnight: @Chicklet @ME2007_ @Djk @Gwyn @Mumofthree @elisel @Joanne_ @Mrsmacg @Juliebrian @angelajacksonsmith @Marycipk @JessG @HerSister @AngelaJS @Judith_S @EllenW You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum…
Happy Birthday wishes for 18 April @LibbyB
To dear @LibbyB Wishing you a very happy Birthday !
Feelings of Guilt
Do you suffer from guilt? I know I do, even though I am told not to, I still do. I feel like I have put everyone's life on hold because of my diagnosis. I was lucky that I was diagnosed early and that my treatment has been relatively text book - surgery, radiation to start soon and then Hormone Blocking therapy. I paid for…
Happy Birthday wishes for 17 April @Helen22
It’s your birthday today dear @Helen22 I hope that it is everything that you wish for
Happy Birthday wishes for 14 April @Stork
Happy Birthday to you dear @Stork Best wishes xx
Happy Birthday wishes for 14 April @eightdays
Wishing you every happiness for your Birthday today @eightdays