Hope and cancerversary
It’s my 2 year cancerversary today 🎉. I’m in a really good place within myself, without comparison to how I felt right after my diagnosis, and even before it. I guess I hope I continue to work on myself, so I can be content with life as it is, with reduced stress, and cancer free 🤞🍀💟. I have mostly moved on, but choose to…
Welcome New Members 30th March 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past fortnight: @Ams @C98 @TLCFAM6 @Bexta @Connect @Sioux @exippy @squishy_pink716 @Salsi @terayzah @lamberly @Sixsoo @lilbets @September_Girl @Naomif @Hafsa @Violin56 @Emzz02 @myboobook @Kye01 You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online…
Big happy Birthday wishes to @Cherylb for 25 March
To dear @Cherylb Wishing you a very happy birthday I hope that you had a wonderful day Best wishes <3 <3
31 March is @lilymax84 birthday
Big happy birthday wishes to @lilymax84 Have a wonderful day filled with laughter and lots of cake Best wishes <3 <3
Welcome New Members - 18th March 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @greyhound @Borahae @Megan_Jane @Suse2022 @KLM64 @Kelsey86 @BronLilly @LauraLJ @RMJJ @Renee327 @SylviaM @Zameera @jessicai You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can engage…
Webcast: Just diagnosed in 2022, what’s next?
Good morning everyone, We have just launched our next webcast, that is titled - Just diagnosed in 2022, what's next? In 2022, it is projected that over 20,000 people will be diagnosed with breast cancer. After finding out you have breast cancer, you may experience feelings of shock, distress, fear and anxiety. You may be…
Paget’s disease??
Hi all, looking for some advice, hopefully someone has been in a similar situation. Last Thursday I felt some sharp pain in my left breast radiating from my nipple. Taking a look I found a pimple/wound/ulcer? On the side of my breast which then burst seeping pus and blood. I went and did a self check and found a lump about…
21 March is @CurlyCurly Birthday !!
Dear @CurlyCurly Happy birthday to you for today I hope that you have a great day :)
Happy birthday for 21 March to @Liana_anna
Happy birthday to you dear @Liana_anna Have a wonderful day today <3
Birthday wishes to @Shellshocked2018_ xox
Birthday wishes to you @Shellshocked2018_ I hope that you have a very happy birthday filled with lots of laughter best wishes
Happy birthday to you @viking1
Birthday wishes to you @viking1 I hope that you have a very happy birthday filled with lots of laughter best wishes
18th March is @Michellebella birthday!
Happy birthday to you @Michellebella Have a wonderful birthday <3
Happy birthday for 18 March to @Vivianna
Happy birthday wishes to @Vivianna for today I hope that you have a lovely day best wishes xx
Happy birthday to @TracyB65
Happy birthday to you dear @TracyB65
Happy birthday wishes to @pammiesyd
Happy birthday to you dear @pammiesyd I hope that you have a lovely day best wishes