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Discussion List
21 March is @CurlyCurly Birthday !!
Dear @CurlyCurly Happy birthday to you for today I hope that you have a great day :)
Happy birthday for 21 March to @Liana_anna
Happy birthday to you dear @Liana_anna Have a wonderful day today <3
Birthday wishes to @Shellshocked2018_ xox
Birthday wishes to you @Shellshocked2018_ I hope that you have a very happy birthday filled with lots of laughter best wishes
Happy birthday to you @viking1
Birthday wishes to you @viking1 I hope that you have a very happy birthday filled with lots of laughter best wishes
18th March is @Michellebella birthday!
Happy birthday to you @Michellebella Have a wonderful birthday <3
Happy birthday for 18 March to @Vivianna
Happy birthday wishes to @Vivianna for today I hope that you have a lovely day best wishes xx
Happy birthday to @TracyB65
Happy birthday to you dear @TracyB65
Happy birthday wishes to @pammiesyd
Happy birthday to you dear @pammiesyd I hope that you have a lovely day best wishes
Happy birthday @chanel67
To dear @chanel67 wishing you a very happy birthday!
Happy birthday to @Ren153
Happy birthday wishes to @Ren153 Many happy returns 💕
New diagnosis
Hello everyone, I've been diagnosed with breast cancer and also liver secondary, I'm so sad and devastated. What can I do?
Happy birthday dear @FayeLW for today
To dear @FayeLW I hope that you have a very happy birthday if the sky is not a fine one, I hope that you have a sunny happy day Best wishes xx
Delayed birthday wishes
Hello all Here in North Eastern NSW we have had no phone, mobile or internet/wifi for a week - back today though So my apologies for the two belated birthday messages that I will post today <3 We are high and dry here so far better off than many thousands that live near by us. For any of those BCNA members who have been…
Welcome New Members - 11th March 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @Shakespeare @Meka @MokeyMeow @Suze51 @Sheeba @Patch120 @Blace @SugarBear @Hopeful1 @Charmaine_69 @Klea72 @JenG @cdj @Karen1512 You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can…
Post Surgery Bra
Hi, I bought 2 Hestia post surgery bra’s from BIgW and I don’t find them as comfortable as the ones I brought from Target. 1 hasn’t been removed from the bigw bag and the other I wore for less than an hour. Size is 22c if anyone would like like them please message me. I will happily organise postage.