Sweet Cravings

Chrissy1121 Member Posts: 20
Evening everyone, just wanted to check if anyone else has experienced this.  I'm up to my 11th Taxol treatment, one more to go. No major side effects fortunately.  I also receive Herceptin every 3 weeks and this will continue after chemo finishes. This last week I can't get enough sugar in my diet.  I have always exercised and never indulged in over eating of sweets but lately can't get enough.  I have surrendered to it for the last couple of weeks but I think I need to take control a bit more.  Maybe a hormone reaction? Steroid reaction?


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    edited March 2022
    Hi @Chrissy1121

    I had 12 Taxol sessions and Herceptin, wasn’t taking steroids as I had no nausea, but no sugar cravings. Mind you, I lost my taste buds which may have had some effect! I could taste very few foods and sweet ones weren’t any different. But it is possible that Taxol might change your sense of taste sufficiently to heighten your liking for sugar. My taste capacity returned to normal very soon after I finished Taxol so you may see some difference after your last dose. Good luck! 
  • Chrissy1121
    Chrissy1121 Member Posts: 20
    Thanks @Afraser for your reply.  I think my taste buds have changed, I always seem to be frustrated as to what to eat. Hopefully things will return to normal after my Taxol treatment. 

  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Probably the cravings are from steroids. At least if you want something sweet go for fruits or juice as fructose is easier for your body to use.
  • Chrissy1121
    Chrissy1121 Member Posts: 20
    Thanks @Brenda5, fruit is a far better option. I haven't exercised this week, first time in 11 weeks, fatigue has certainly set in.
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,316
    Hi @Chrissy1121,
    I was never on chemo ( mastectomy, radiotherapy and now hormone therapy) but when I got diagnosed I decided to lose some weight.
    I have always had a sweet tooth ( when I go to a nice restaurant I look at the dessert menu first)!
    I pretty much eliminated sweets including cakes , sweet biscuits , chocolates ,sweet drinks - and if I want something sweet I will have a piece of fruit ( or a combination of fruit) .
    I find that has really helped me keep the weight off I lost and is sufficiently sweet to satisfy my ( retrained ) taste buds.
    All the best - none of this stuff is easy.

  • Chrissy1121
    Chrissy1121 Member Posts: 20
    Hi @Julez1958  sugar can certainly get a hold of you if you let it. I've always been a savoury person and love fruit so this has come as a big surprise to my mind and body, I'm checking out the bakery sweets everyday lol.  Thanks for your thoughts.
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 983
    @Chrissy1121 eek I do have a sweet tooth.  When I had my daughter 22 years ago we wondered if she would look like a pink iced Jam donut.

    I found after chemo I wanted a potato cake with salt.    I would let myself have 2 once a month.