New diagnosis

Karen1512 Member Posts: 8
Hello everyone, I've been diagnosed with breast cancer and also liver secondary,  I'm so sad and devastated.  What can I do?  


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,302
    edited March 2022
    I am So sorry to hear that news @Karen1512 - and to see you join the club no-one wants to join.  That's a tough call.  xx  A friend in Zimbabwe had the same diagnosis & had chemo first - then they were able to remove the bit of liver and she had surgery & chemo for the breast cancer as well .... and she is more than 15 years down the line now aged about 80 now ....  so there IS still 'life after diagnosis' .... 

    Take plenty of  DEEP breaths, slow down & try not to get ahead of yourself and definitely stay away from Dr Google!  A lot of stuff there is not relevant to your diagnosis or it is 'out of date'.  These days, there may be new immunotherapy drugs that may help with your treatment ...

    Have you seen a surgeon or medical & radiation Oncologist yet?  They will explain the 'system' more thoroughly, that will suit your diagnosis.   In the mean time, keep busy!  Keep doing those things you LOVE doing .... If you know the type of BC that you have - feel free to mention it & others who've experienced it may be able to jump on & answer your queries xx

    Jump onto this thread - it has lots of info on the site - even links to some 'funny bits' to give you a laugh & other areas that may interest you, like art & craft, your pets or garden .... and down the bottom, a link to 'tick sheets' that should help you formulate some questions to your surgeon & Onc .... I always wrote my questions down & gave THEM a copy, as well as myself, so I could tick them off, as I asked them.

    I recorded all my appts too, so I could go over them again later, as it is hard to remember everything that is said, at the time. Take a trusted friend with you, for moral and physical support and an extra set of ears xx

    take care & all the best
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    Hi @Karen1512,
    so sorry to hear about your diagnosis- you must be feeling anxious and overwhelmed. It’s such a shock and you feel like a deer caught in the headlights but I promise you’ll feel more in control when your medical team have put a plan in place.You’ll most likely have chemo and possibly surgery. There are so many new drugs available now so that if one doesn’t work,they switch to another. A lady in my support has lived with bc metastasis( in lymph nodes)for 18yrs. There is always hope.Big hug xx
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,316
    Hi @Karen1512
    its all a bit overwhelming at first but this website is a wealth of information and the online 
    network is a place where we all “ get “ breast cancer and no question is ever too trivial or silly.
    There are a number of groups you can join - eg: you may be interested in joining the “living with metastatic breast cancer group.” See the bottom of this page.
    The various drugs they have now have changed the equation of what such a diagnosis means and there are many ladies  on here who have been around for many years.
    Also you can add your town to your profile so others in your area may be able to offer more targeted advice.
    Take care.🌺

  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    Sending best wishes to you. Be kind to yourself and one day at a time. Treatments are much improved and there is hope and positive stories. It is very overwhelming at the start but please don't get ahead of yourself. Deep breathing and meditation helps with the stress. Sending hugs 💐
  • Karen1512
    Karen1512 Member Posts: 8
    Thanks,  getting my Liver Bioscopy this week,  so worried
  • wendy55
    wendy55 Member Posts: 774
    Hi @Karen1512,
    my name is wendy and I like you have metastatic breast cancer with a secondary in my liver ,it is nearly 9 years since my diagnosis,I did not have early breast cancer either it was a metastatic diagnosis up front, at the moment I am sure you feel totally out of control, this will get better, you will have had so much information to try and digest,again it will get better, one day at a time, and breathe, you will have quite a few medical appointments to attend and a lot of information that you will have to take in, will you be able to have someone with you at your appointments,it really does help, my partner has been with me since day one, every appointment, every scan everything!! it helps to have someone with you as they can take everything in,where as you will come out and believe me you will have forgotten half of what was said. Please ring the McGrath Breast Care Nurses, on the McGrath website,her name is Pip and she works Monday through to Thursday, she will be able to help you with support and any information you need,you need to have a good understanding GP,they are your first port of call,then your oncologist, you have a lot to take on and at the moment you need to be gentle on yourself,I do hope you have good support at home,especially if you have children.
    Is someone taking you to be with you when you have your liver biopsy? it would be very helpful as I really dont think you will be up for driving after.Please @Mez_BCNA,can you put Karen in the Living With Mets Group so that we can give her some support,you will get there Karen, of course you are worried that is only human,but we are all here to help you with whatever questions you may have and I am sure there will be plenty.


  • Karen1512
    Karen1512 Member Posts: 8
    Hi Wendy,  thankyou for your kind words,  you have given me some hope,  I've been so sad and depressed and totally can't believe this is happening.  
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,316
    Hi @Karen1512
    i second the comment above about taking someone with you to medical appointments ( at least the important ones) - I took my husband to all my initial appointments which was important as I really only took in about 25 percent of what was said , even though I have always prided myself in my memory!

  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,191
    Hi @Karen1512,

    I have sent you an invite to the 'Living with metastatic breast cancer' private group Wendy has mentioned, if you choose to join for further support.

    This must be a very challenging time for you and  if you need to chat with one of our member support team please reach out 1800 500 258. 

    I'm not sure if you have checked out My Journey yet;  it was developed with assistance from
    breast cancer specialists and offers:

    • Information and support tailored to your
      specific needs at all stages of your breast cancer journey including DCIS,
      early breast cancer and metastatic breast cancer.
    • Immediate updates as new insights, research
      and clinical trials become available.
    • Videos, webcasts and podcasts

    The following link  will take you to the sign
    up page where you can select specific information about metastatic breast
    cancer including first treatment decisions and information about metastases.