Happy birthday wishes to @Alcaye
Wishing you a very happy birthday 🎂 @Alcaye
Happy birthday to @JulieVT11
To dear @JulieVT11 wishing you a happy birthday
Flat chest scars - restrict movement or very tight? And did you have radio before going flat?
I'm in discussions with two surgeons (initial and then second
opinion) about removing my 10-year-old textured and radiated implants and
either going flat or replacing implants. I posed a similar question on the 'Flat Chat' group - I'm hoping this main chat has some more people who can share their experience on flat scars…
Have you replaced implants after radio? What's your experience/issues/advice +capsule (kept /rem'd)?
I'm in discussions with two surgeons (initial and then second opinion) about removing my 10-year-old textured and radiated implants and either going flat or replacing implants. I posed a similar question on the reconstruction group - I'm hoping this main chat has some people who have faced re-reconstruction. I was first…
Mamagram post diagnosis
Hello, 7 year post Her2 + diagnosis. All going well. I have had a mammogram and ultrasound each year post diagnosis however not this year(7) just wondering is this an oversight or normal?
What would we do without BCNA?
I wish I had never heard of or joined this network, but now, when I need it, I am glad to be part of it. Every time I feel upset and vulnerable, I turn to the BCNA. I am just thinking about how people with breast cancer are supported without BCNA. I would definitely struggle. What about those who don't use computers or…
Swollen Parotid and possibly the Tonsillar gland
I felt sore on the right side of my face when I washed it last night and this morning it was a hard lump, some swelling and also sore at base of my ear...not like blown up but very tender and swollen...I did pop to a GP I've not seen before...he reassured me which was nice as I started to blubber as I'd panicked. He said…
Breast Cancer Prevention Research
Women who have undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy for Hodgkin's Lymphoma (particularly those treated at a younger age) have an increased risk of going on to develop breast cancer. What is BCNA doing to advocate for research into the prevention of breast cancer in this patient cohort? For example, is research being…
Happy birthday to @Mrs_H
To dear @Mrs_H wishing you a very happy birthday for today
Happy birthday to @Brianna
To dear @Brianna 10 November is your birthday 🎁 and somehow we missed sending you special birthday wishes. I hope that your birthday was a wonderful one best wishes <3
Wigs - where are the best places to get them in sydney
Hi ladies. I need a wig asap as the one I ordered online has not arrived. And I really do not want to walk around bald. I know that that seems silly and I can just wear a cap or something I'm.just not mentally ready for that yet. And I have been lucky enough that 14 days in my hair is still intact but I'm guessing not much…
Calcification after cancer removal
12months ago i had lumpectomy to remove cancer in my breast. I then had chemo and radiation. Before going to the Breast specialist in the begining of this month i had a mamogram and they have picked up "suspicious" calcifications near where the cancer had been removed. There are many reasons for calcification. Has anyone…
Happy birthday to @inkpetal
Happy birthday to you dear @InkPetal
Happy birthday wishes to @HelenlovesSnoopy
To dear @HelenlovesSnoopy Your birthday 🎂 on 31 October was missed by our birthday fairies! We hope that you had a special birthday @HelenlovesSnoopy filled with joy and that you were surrounded by those dear to you <3
Feeling anxious and insomnia post treatment .
Hi, Ruth here, living in Cannonvalley, Queensland. I had r/o small cancer surgery and Radiotherapy 4 months ago. I thought I was doing well and went back to work, part time. Then collapsed in a mess of anxiety and insomnia, one feeding the other. So hard to get help and support. My G.P said - oh just meditate or listen to…