Food question
I'm a bit confused about food and what I can and can't eat. I know I need to avoid raw/undercooked meat and fish, deli meat and soft cheese, wash fruit and salad. But does cottage cheese and spreadable cheese fall into that category? Is couscous ok if I make it myself? I miss meredith goats cheese 😔 My taste buds are…
Free berlie post surgery bra
Hi guys l have a brand new berlie post surgery bra 12b . Plus an insert if anyone would like it please send me a message and l will post it to you. Adean
Time to Count People with Metastatic Breast Cancer - A Way Forward
We are proud to release Time to Count People with Metastatic Breast Cancer – A Way Forward – a report and roadmap on how Australia can collect and report cancer stage and recurrence data. We need this data to know how many people are living with treatable but not curable metastatic breast cancer. Without this visibility,…
February 2 is @dak2 birthday
Many happy returns @dak2 🎉
Birthday wishes for @Unicornkisses
Dear @Unicornkisses may your birthday be filled with joy
Wishing you a very happy birthday @rowdy
Happy birthday to you @rowdy
Preventative surgery
Hello. I am 62 years old. I have a very strong family history of breast cancer. My mum died at 63. Is there anyone who has either had a double mastectomy as a preventative measure? I’m seriously considering it at the moment. I am done with the anxiety after every mammogram waiting for the call to say there is a…
Happy birthday to @Tuppence
I hope that you have a lovely birthday celebration @Tuppence
Inspiration for the week
Happy Easter lovely ladies and gents
Going to chemo in a wig
Yesterday, I started my first chemo session. Three nurses tried to find my veins for a cannula. Finally, they called a vascular nurse to locate the vein under ultrasound and will have inserted a PICC for the further sessions. Nothing to do with their competence but with my very bad veins. Anyway, I decided to ignore all…
Newly diagnosed with invasive breast cancer mid December. Surgery delayed once already but now is tomorrow with a lymphoscintography shortly. Feeling very nervous and quite emotional today - haven’t really cried since diagnosed but today I can’t seem to stop. Is this how others have felt?
Latest on using topical oestrogen creams like Ovestin while on Letrozole or similar
I've nearly done 4y on letrozole. My breast cancer was 6mm ER/PR positive. I had local wide incision followed by radiotherapy, no chemo. I was told to stop using Ovestin Cream and Vagifem. I get UTIs and vaginal dryness and soreness. I'd dearly like to recommence Ovestin. My GP said the medical thinking was changing a…
Happy birthday wishes to you @nikkid
Wishing you a very happy birthday @nikkid 💐
Happy birthday to @ Tennille
Have a very happy birthday @Tennille <3
Welcome New Members - 30th January 2024
A very warm welcome to our newest members to recently joined the Online Network: @Kym74 @Gaga @Lippylady @Izzy1999 @Chico @Malcolm @Julie_99 @sunflower17 @Dazy @pjb @Suie78 @CaRei7 @KazzaG @already_have_NHL @Jessica90 @brookemaree @madbeitz @NatKan @owenandlucas @RT_AB @Lioness @Gilser @ElleG @J-Nold @jane_00 @TaraJ…